Anonymous ID: f2e89f March 8, 2024, 3:32 p.m. No.20538351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8407 >>8574 >>8652 >>8854 >>8913


>Q1 2024 isn't looking better



Red Sea Crisis Could Fan Asia’s Inflation Anew, Delay Rate Cuts

By Claire Jiao (Bloomberg) — March 8, 2024


Asia could see slower economic growth and a resurgence of inflation as escalating violence in the Red Sea snarls shipping between the region and their trade partners in the US and Europe, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.


The supply chain disruptions could cut as much as 0.5 percentage points off Asia’s economic growth this year, and add up to 0.4 percentage points to the inflation rate, the EIU said in a report.


“Given that Asian exports were already hit last year by weak Western demand, the recent attacks will weigh further on various export-dependent economies, particularly in Southeast Asia, where container trade has nearly collapsed,” the report read, citing Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia as among those most vulnerable.


Most of the region will likewise be hit indirectly through the spike in shipping costs, especially those that rely on food imports such as the Pacific island countries, New Zealand, India and Pakistan.


“Higher inflation could leave central banks in countries such as the Philippines, Australia and India in a more difficult situation in terms of finding an opportunity to begin monetary easing,” the EIU said.


Protracted shipping disruptions could also push manufacturers to seek options closer to their end-user markets, rather than tapping the “stretched” supply chains in Asia, it said.


Based on EIU estimates, shipments from northwest Europe now take 56 days to reach Malaysia and Singapore from 32 days before the Houthi attacks began in November. For China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it lengthened to 55 days from 42 days.

Anonymous ID: f2e89f March 8, 2024, 3:34 p.m. No.20538362   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"AI Warfare/black african negoids/ MAGA Patriots = Federal Bureau of Instigation efforts to try to make anons look like some kind of domestic terrorists. When the bread is suddenly filled with bot posts, usually in red text andrepeating the same line, the feds are eing BTFO and send the bot in to have a meeting on what to do. The decision is to return to their playbook every time


"Muh Joo" = The Media Matters effort to make anons look bad so that efforts to deplatform 8kun the was 8chan was could have a chance at success. Media Matters is also…

Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails

Back to top


"Muh Censorship" = The Den Of Absolute Retards, as they named their Discord group during their reign of terror. This bunch included the OSS persona that took over QR starting with the Baker's Union" accusations that resulted in 8-Bit leaving and FastJack becoming Board Owner. FastJack made the OSS persona a Board Volunteer and thus the permanent bans for no reason started. They got arrogant and sloppy, and lost control of Q Research and have been butthurt ever since. Their purpose is to throw shade on the current Board Admin


The newest thing is the religious arguments that started through the Graveyard Shift but have been coming up earlier lately. Really just using the only tactic that's gad any effect, namely wasting bread to bury things in the Previously Collected part of the Notables. Anons and bakers keep going so idea is use that to get breads flying and bury things that certain people want to stay hidden.

This may be from…

General Research #23833 >>19406790


Building a digital army: UN peacekeepers fight deadly disinformation

With smartphones, editing apps, and innovative approaches, some UN peacekeeping operations across the world are building a “digital army” aimed at combating mis- and disinformation on social media networks and beyond.

Anonymous ID: f2e89f March 8, 2024, 3:40 p.m. No.20538398   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Insulting them first let them soften the blow by being able to say "what a rude person"

A burst of laughter renders their entire being into a joke and if the "fuck off" is done while still laughing, their psyche is crushed enough tears may actually flow

Anonymous ID: f2e89f March 8, 2024, 3:48 p.m. No.20538435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8574 >>8652 >>8854 >>8913

US Lawmakers Demand Answers from Chinese Crane Manufacturer Over Port Security Concerns

Mike Schuler March 8, 2024


Key members of the House Homeland Security Committee are seeking answers from Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries (ZPMC), a firm with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), amid growing concerns about the security of U.S. ports.


The request comes as part of a joint investigation into the usage of ZPMC-manufactured cranes in American ports, revealing potential vulnerabilities in the critical maritime infrastructure.


The investigation, led by House Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green (R-TN), Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security Chairman Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), and House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mike Gallagher (R-WI), has unearthed alarming findings regarding ZPMC’s affiliations with the CCP. This scrutiny follows revelations that CCP-affiliated hackers had long-term access to crucial U.S. infrastructure sectors, including maritime operations.


Central to the lawmakers’ concerns are discoveries of unauthorized cellular modems in the ship-to-shore (STS) crane components at a U.S. seaport, and a similar modem within a server room integral to the operation of these cranes. The modems, found to be actively connected to the cranes’ operational mechanisms, were not part of the original contracts between ZPMC and the U.S. ports, casting doubts on their purposes and origins.


The bipartisan group of lawmakers, which also includes Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Chairman August Pfluger (R-TX) and members Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) and Rep. Michelle Steele (R-CA), has expressed grave concerns over the potential for every U.S. seaport equipped with ZPMC cranes to be compromised by CCP-related activities.


Their letter to ZPMC seeks detailed information on any directives from the CCP regarding maritime equipment in the U.S., the involvement of ZPMC personnel with the CCP, and the nature of ZPMC’s engagements with entities that may pose risks to U.S. foreign policy and national security interests.


The action follows a comprehensive eight-month investigation, engaging U.S. maritime ports and federal law enforcement to assess the scope of ZPMC’s potentially unauthorized additions to its cranes and infrastructure, which do not appear to support operational functionality. These findings echo concerns from a 2021 FBI discovery of intelligence-gathering equipment on a vessel delivering ZPMC cranes to the Port of Baltimore, raising suspicions of espionage and cyber espionage efforts aimed at compromising U.S. maritime critical infrastructure.


Amid these security challenges, the Biden Administration has been active in promoting initiatives to enhance maritime cybersecurity, including a $20 billion investment to return domestic onshore crane manufacturing capacity to the U.S. President Biden also recently issued an executive order bolstering the U.S. Coast Guard’s ability to address maritime cyber threats.


The push comes at a crucial time as the U.S. seeks to counter pervasive cybersecurity threats, foreign intelligence risks, and supply chain vulnerabilities attributed to the influence of the CCP in the maritime sector.


No draft of the letter available on the maritime sites so apologies as cannot confirm or deny it was strongly worded

Anonymous ID: f2e89f March 8, 2024, 4:57 p.m. No.20538757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8854 >>8913

Nuclear Energy Maritime Organization founded in London

Sam Chambers March 8, 2024


Widespread adoption of nuclear power at sea is moving a step closer with the creation of the Nuclear Energy Maritime Organization (NEMO) in London.


NEMO will work with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to establish global standards and regulations for the deployment, operation and decommissioning of nuclear power in the maritime environment and promote the commercialisation of nuclear power at sea.


Founding members include Asian shipbuilding giant HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, TerraPower, a leading US small modular reactor (SMR) companyfounded by Bill Gates,Westinghouse EC, class society Lloyd’s Register, and Denmark’s Seaborg, an innovator in molten salt reactors.


“We are very excited about the launch of NEMO as it can serve as a cornerstone to advance the era of offshore nuclear power,” said Mamdouh el-Shanawany, former head of IAEA’s safety division, who will serve as NEMO’s inaugural chair. “We will expand the participation of global organisations that share vision and values with us.”


“Establishing global standards holds the key to the commercialisation of next-generation SMRs well suited to the maritime environment,” said Park Sang-min, head of the green energy research lab at HD KSOE, a yard that invested $30m in TerraPower in November 2022.