But can you escape from being filtered every bread?
And don't fucking reply, retard. You're filtered and thus invisible. Is this not something your handler can understand?
But can you escape from being filtered every bread?
And don't fucking reply, retard. You're filtered and thus invisible. Is this not something your handler can understand?
> convoluted and grammatically tortured sentence structure
ingrish not your first language?
Care to highlight any and all grammatical errors?
Or else is a bot-tard
Our seasons are the opposite, but I'm really curious as to why Bolsonaro eliminated daylight saving here in Brasil.
What am I missing?
Sure, the equator runs through South America and thus the difference between daylight hours is minimal, but I can't help but think there was a DS agenda behind daylight saving that Bolsonaro fucked up. I just can't figure it out. It must have been important because it was one of the first things he did.
The funny thing is that so many faggots had there clocks set to this automatically that when Bolsonaro eliminated it, it fucked up so many people's alarms and schedules. It was glorious!
>Could it be because the equator runs through Brazil and 'summer' in the north is in opposite months than 'summer' in the central and south
<insert cpt obvious meme here>
Well, Brazil is full of these types, but it's also full of fully indoctrinated leftist faggots.