Above 700 posts, new bread is available.
Makes sense to lock old bread.
Last 2 breads weren't collected.
>a vaccine
There were more than one.
>everyone would comply for years
doubt it
doesn't mean forced
>what Covid was
The flu / "live exercise"
No, that's also just a potential hint.
There are actual females with that finger lengths. It's rare, but it happens.
Of course when too many potentials come together, it becomes impossible.
One is for sure - and something theY can't modify - the completely different pelvics. An actual female has to be able to give birth to a child, and due to that different pelvic. And on top of that different angle re: legs.
That's the one that is definitive. When they got the butt of a man, they are a male. Pic related.
>make people have similar appearances
>Stars play a major part in the physical aspect of people
That's why this shit is so fucked up.
Little girls want to be like "Taylor" - a BOY, which they can't and they will fail. They think their body is too fat, because they have the body of an actual female.
The people behind it should get executed.
Photoshop exists.
TheY are even too lazy to photoshop all the photos, because theY think people are this stupid (most are).
>Kiera Knightly