Anonymous ID: 0d33bb July 6, 2018, 6:04 a.m. No.2054612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Counter-Intelligence editor Jeff Steinberg opens by detailing the structure and nature of the modern British Empire starting with Queen Elizabeth, her perrogative powers, the Privy Council, and the corporate power she wields. Are you deluded enough to think that the British Empire is a relic of a romantic bygone age? Think that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are mere figureheads? Living museum pieces, trotted out out once in a while to go through the motions of dull state events while the other members of the royal family provide scandal for the tabloid headlines? Subjects in her empire might repeat that poppycock, (probably because their mum told them it was so) , however, the truth is radically different. Jeff Steinberg presents the ugly genocidal reality of the corporate structure, the raw materials cartel, the mercenary armies, the modern opium war on most of civilization, terrorism, psychological brainwashing operations, & the religious and environmentalist lunatics, all run out of London.

Anonymous ID: 0d33bb July 6, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.2055062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5142

Lots of names to look in to here.

This is how we fucked the rest of the world… Sorry from ukanon



historian & author Anton Chaitkin speaking in Long Beach California. Starting from a shooting massacre in Hebron during a religious service, Chaitkin describes the various means by which the British Empire since the Venetian takeover in the 18th Century has used to control and brainwash people. In Southwest Asia, extremists of Muslim, & Jewish faiths have a British origin. Also, organized crime, its defenders in the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith and the subsequent creation of Hollywood & Las Vegas, newspaper cartels such as the Hollinger Corporation, Geopolitics, crackpot movements like Theosophy, Satanism, Astrology, the belief in the End Times & Revelation, the installation of Hitler as dictator through the bankers Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht and the brainwashing of Hitler through British cult movements like the Thule Society. A lengthy question and answer period is included