Anonymous ID: 4a6cd1 July 6, 2018, 5:36 a.m. No.2054500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4539 >>4592 >>4634 >>4814

Good Morning Anons. I have an odd feeling today will be stunning. At the moment however, it all seems quiet, calm, almost surreal. I can't help but sit here in the dawn's first light and day dream about how it's all going to go down, if and when it does.


Will we have Q's Nov 1st post (147567888) blaring over the EMS of our phones while National Guard is coordinating off streets and rounding up the bad guys? Will it happen during the parade? Will there be a parade? Maybe the week before mid-terms? Maybe in the days after as mass voting fraud is uncovered?

Perhaps we'll see them picked off, one at a time, slowly as narratives are hijacked with truths of their foul existences and loathsome truths of human trafficking and pedophilia is exposed? Can't help but dream of it all so gloriously going down. Confetti filling the air, the streets littered with unconscious bodies of Antifa members and those who chose to support them, who dared to obstruct the justice being served.


Do we built ourselves up too much? Do we expect such illustrious, grand events to unfold before our eyes, only to be let down as a small handful of FBI agents calmly lead the chosen ones into the back seat of non-descriptive local police cruisers, flying under the radar of the untrusted MSM…

What exactly will the MSM be broadcasting during this time? Trump attempting to take over the country? Calling for resistance? Or will they remain silent as they run for cover, knowing they're probably next?


In my mind's eyes, I've traversed the myriad realities and possibilities of 1000 scenarios, each one causing me to smile a little more than the last.


Who can say for sure at this point, exactly how it's going to go down. At this point, I do not doubt even, Q, is wondering as well.


I'm anxious, as I know you all are too. Frustrated at times because it's taking too long. We know however, good things come to those who wait. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor was it burned in a day either. Patiently we wait, clinging to every crumb, building the map, learning to read it and preparing for the inevitable. We all know it's coming and we accept it as it is, hoping for the best, yet deeply fearing the worst.


In the end, however… It really doesn't matter how it goes down, as long as it does. We are prepared. We've been preparing for many years now. Exactly how it goes down is anyone's guess, we're here regardless. We've come too far. We will not relent, we will not forgive, we will not surrender… for we are anon, we are Q… and where we go one, we go all!!!!