Anonymous ID: 4f298c July 6, 2018, 6:42 a.m. No.2054805   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5255



Not totally accurate…in fact, outside comms are implied →


We asked another anon if they ever spoke with Q. That anon said, “It’s the bakers, mods, admins are the only ones with direct communication with each other. They are the ones that collect our crumbs , intel drops and put them together. Personally, I would confidently say that the bakers , mods, admins take turns posting as Q because if they don’t …”


“If they don’t what?” I probed.


“If they don’t, then whoever posts as Q has a large target on their back. Even being suspect of possibly being Q can get you in hot water with deep state goons” he said, hanging his head down.

“I could be Q or a baker. Would you know?” I asked.


“No. I wouldn’t. That is the beauty of it. An enemy who is faceless or unknown is what threatens them the most. The minute they think they’ve figured out who Q is something happens to steer them to the next possible Q. Same goes for us anons. We know for sure that the tight nit Q team has an in at the White House.”