Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 6 p.m. No.20544515   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>When you’re not on duty, feel however you want about politicians. Vote. Protest. That’s your right. But don’t do it on the job’s time, on other members’ time, or on their families’ time. Do it on your own time.


Did you bend the knee for Transnational Terrorists

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 6:16 p.m. No.20544578   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I’m here to address the behavior of Officials who bent the knee for Transnational Terrorist BLM/ANTIFA.

The behavior we saw and heard was grossly inappropriate

Protesting, heckling, or booing anyone at a ceremony is simply unacceptable.

//This was a promotion ceremony to honor members who made sacrifices and worked hard to achieve this day. They had close family and friends there to celebrate with them. gaslight

Absolutely no one should have been subjected to what happened based on the political beliefs of some members.

It was disrespectful to the Americans, to the Veterans who gave you freedom and their families

//This was not a political event and Letitia James was not there to give a political speech. gaslight

// She was there to support her friend and our new chaplain Pamela Holmes. Pamela invited her friend to attend the ceremony. CRIMINAL gaslight

Members have a right to political beliefs. But you don’t have a right to make a job related ceremony political in nature.

When you’re not on duty, feel however you want about politicians. Vote. Protest. That’s your right. But don’t do it on the job’s time, on other members’ time, or on their families’ time. Do it on your own time.

Your actions damaged the relationship with the attorney general and all elected officials that bent the knee for Transnational Terrorists BLM/ANTIFA.

// Politics aside, the attorney general is a friend to the UFA and UFOA and a supporter of our Department. She has come to the hospital on more than one occasion to support us when one of our members is seriously injured or died. gaslight while pushing politics still you've made it politics now.

These actions reflected crimes and war crimes by elected and appointed officials and their subordinates.

Instead of Smith Mundt Modernization act, AUMF, NDAA, Patriot Act 1, 2, 3, COG based and controlled and gaslit news reports talking about the accomplishments of our members, it talked about the politics and our your criminal actions.

Everyone must be better. Do the right thing. Even if you aren’t the one acting poorly, if you see a fellow official act in this manner, ARREST OR REPORT IT.

Act in a manner befitting of the uniform that you wear. Nothing less should be tolerated.


Next steps:


Have DC visit each firehouse that had a member promoted. HAVE SHERIFF ARREST EVERY OFFICIAL THAT IS ON TAPE


// They should understand that BITS is gathering video and identifying members that brought discredit and to the Department Gaslight abuse of office is absolutely politics now

We want the members to come forward. They will come to HQ to be educated why their behavior is unacceptable. No this is J6 for Firefighters is all it is.

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 6:21 p.m. No.20544609   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4621 >>4646

Members have a right to political beliefs. But you don’t have a right to make a job related ceremony political in nature.

When you’re not on duty, feel however you want about politicians. Vote. Protest. That’s your right. But don’t do it on the job’s time, on other members’ time, or on their families’ time. Do it on your own time.

Your actions damaged the relationship with the attorney general and all elected officials that bent the knee for Transnational Terrorists BLM/ANTIFA.

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 8:13 p.m. No.20544954   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Alex jones worked with MOSAD at winber lab on 911 the dreadful day?


Okay No, it's fucking drive by spam again.

you hate flynn, you hate jones, you protec Q and call anyone that calls you out a Faggot.

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 8:15 p.m. No.20544959   🗄️.is đź”—kun

how many times did Alex Jones Amplify the SV-40 Env before he unleashed it on the public when visiting government buildings?


That EVIL fucking Alex Jones (sandy hook light socket powered)

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 8:19 p.m. No.20544967   🗄️.is đź”—kun

That EVIL Fucking Alex Jones over at DARPA ADEPT making a cocktail for Virginia Benassi playing with GAG POL ENV and adding HIV, SV40, 1918, EBOLA and MARBURG.

He's gona be RICH is why he got sued for Trillion dollars.

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 8:24 p.m. No.20544981   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Can you find more photos of Leticia with transnational terrorists BLM/Antifa.


I suppose the two photos are enough to make a REVERSE point. That knee benders have broken an oath way beyond any motherfucking woke totalitarian communist re education camp.

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 8:46 p.m. No.20545038   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5040

Let's be honest.


CENSORING Mayorkas didn't do a motherfucking thing.


The dark eye-shadowed Mayorkas SMIRK and threat to white people and invasion of America is still present.


Merely Informing Congress of his dangers and outrageous behaviours and actions did not mount any resistance to his threats and the damage he's already done.


Congress needs to be under the same SCRUTINY as Mayorkas for not RE-CORRECTING the Democrats who smirked during the Censor process.

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 9:35 p.m. No.20545148   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5149


The way to make the CCP powerless is with a new law and oath. Then they can have TICK TOCK, even come to america and vote lol since "their candidate" won't be a selection on the ballot after a national security background check says ELHO

Anonymous ID: 273260 March 9, 2024, 9:42 p.m. No.20545168   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Russian Hacking Group = Adam Schiff's hacking group

China Hacking Group = Chuck Schumer's Media Center


One new Law, one slightly modified oath and this US Government nightmare (all of it) can be non-violently ended forever going forward.