Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 6:10 p.m. No.20544558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4587 >>4737 >>4748 >>4999 >>5002 >>5061 >>5107 >>5225

"Sabotage, Shoddy Maintenance?": Questions Swirl As Aviation Incidents Spike This Week

A mid-air engine fire, a tire separating from the landing gear, several emergency landings—what the hell is happening in the aviation industry this week?


Here are the latest headlines:


ZeroHedge (Tuesday): "Plane Was Nosediving": United Airlines Boeing 737 Engine Erupts In Flames Over Texas


CBS News (Thursday): American Air jet clipped Frontier Jet on Miami International Airport tarmac


ZeroHedge (Friday): United's Boeing 737 Max Jet Veers Off Runway In Houston, Marking Third Incident In Week


ZeroHedge (Friday): Tire Separates From Boeing 777, Crushes Cars In San Francisco Parking


ABC7 News (Friday): SFO-MEX United flight makes emergency landing at LAX due to hydraulic failure: officials


US Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is silent on this week's incidents.


Some X users blame the series of aviation failures on the possibility of airline companies focusing on disastrous DEI policies.


Meanwhile, on Saturday morning, NBC News quickly pushed out an article titled "Aviation incidents seem to be proliferating, but experts say there's no reason for alarm," which read like a damage control piece by the aviation industry to calm fears.


"This is not a safety trend," said John Cox, a pilot and the president and CEO of Safety Operating Systems LLC, of the recent spate of aviation incidents.


Let's not forget the twin Boeing 737 disaster that killed 346 people five years ago.




(Isn’t Boeing building the two new AF1’s that Trump negotiated. Is Joe trying to get out of the contract PDJT signed?)

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 6:17 p.m. No.20544590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4594 >>4999 >>5002 >>5061 >>5107 >>5225

University Of Virginia Spends $20 Million On 235 DEI Employees, With Some Making $587,340 Per Year



MAR 09, 2024 - 09:00 PM

By Adam Andrzejewski of Open The Books substack


The University of Virginia (UVA) has at least 235 employees under its “diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)” banner — including 82 students — whose total cost of employment is estimated at $20 million. That’s $15 million in cash compensation plus an additional 30-percent for the annual cost of their benefits.


In contrast, last Friday, the University of Florida dismissed its DEI bureaucracy, saving students and taxpayers $5 million per year. The university terminated13 full-time DEI positions and 15 administrative faculty appointments. Those funds have been re-programmed into a “faculty recruitment fund” to attract better people who actually teach students.


No such luck for learning at Virginia’s flagship university – founded by Thomas Jefferson no less. UVA has a much deeper DEI infrastructure.


Reform or abolition must await this summer’s anticipated changes in the school’s Board of Visitors. At least until then, the very highly compensated, generally non-teaching, DEI staffers are safely embedded throughout the entire university – while costing students and taxpayers a fortune.


Our team of auditors at reviewed the university payroll file for 2023 to sort out the DEI position head counts, compensation, and then estimated the cost of benefits.


Meet The Top Paid DEI Executives


Martin N. Davidson, senior associate dean of the Darden School of Business & global chief diversity officer, earns the most in a DEI role, at $452,000, or $587,340 including benefits. For comparison, Glenn Youngkin, the governor of Virginia earned $175,000.


The second most highly compensated DEI executive is Kevin G. McDonald, the vice president for diversity, equity, inclusion and community partnerships, who takes home $401,465, or an estimated $520,000 with benefits.


Those in DEI leadership roles such as vice presidents, associate/assistant deans, directors, assistant directors and managers earned up to $312,000 last year, or $400,000 with benefits.


When McDonald began in his position in August 2019, he was making $340,000, eligible for a 10-percent bonus every year. His first year, he was given a $25,000 recruitment bonus and up to $30,000 for relocation costs, according to UVA records provided through the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.


Some of the DEI chiefs have been transparent about their philosophies during their public comments. For example, Rachel Spraker, an assistant vice president for equity & inclusive excellence – where she earned $186,800 last year or $242,840 with benefits – described the opioid epidemic in Appalachia as an example of “white toxicity.”


DEI staff aren’t the only well-paid employees in controversial roles at UVA.


Lanice Avery, an assistant professor of psychology in the departments of Psychology and Women, Gender and Sexuality, makes $102,200 ($132,860 with estimated benefits). She runs the Research on Intersectionality, Sexuality, and Empowerment (RISE) Lab at UVA and writes and speaks about black, female sexuality, and describes herself as a “board-certified sexologist” and speaks online about her orgasms.

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 6:18 p.m. No.20544594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4643 >>4999 >>5002 >>5061 >>5107 >>5225




What does the DEI bureaucracy do?


There are 187 UVA employees and students dedicated to“assist and monitor all units of the University in their efforts to recruit and retain faculty, staff, and student from historically underrepresented groups and to provide affirmative and supportive environments for work and life…”


Here are some of the university agencies committed to the DEI mission. If you think you are seeing double in this list, you are right:


Equity Center (110 employees total: 37 employees +73 students),

Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (17 employees +1 student),

Multicultural Student Services (6 employees +10 students),

Office of Diversity & Engagement (3 employees + 4 students)

Center for Diversity (4 students)

Included in the DEI employment roster are another 31 people working in DEI roles sprinkled throughout other departments, including the Urology Department, in Occupational Programs, for the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and other areas.


Then, there are another 48 employees and students working in roles related to DEI and advancing equality for women, minorities, etc.


Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center (21 employees, including 4 undergrad students/interns)

Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (16 employees working on Title IX compliance, sexual misconduct investigations and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, among other things)

Office of African American Affairs (4 employees)

Center for Global Health Equity (4 employees and 3 student employees working on providing health services to mostly Third World countries)

Not included in the DEI numbers for this investigation were the Women, Gender and Sexuality Department with 10 professors making a collective $857,103 last year ($1.1 million with benefits) and the Psychology Department with 87 employees making $8.4 million ($11 million with benefits).


Adding to the confusion, the university has consistently undercounted DEI staffers in presentations to the public. In April 2023, Kevin McDonald told the New York Timesthat UVA had only 40 DEI employees. In May 2023, a presentation to the Board of Visitors claimed UVA had only 55 DEI positions.


Even our list of 235 employees is not complete. Here is a great example of an executive with a hidden DEI mission:


Kimberley Barker, Librarian for Digital Life ($80,000, or $104,000 with benefits). Barker isn’t in our database, however, she is the DEI leader for the Health System Library – the “IDEA (Inclusion Diversity Equity Accessibility) lead. Her university bio page lists her as the “Librarian for Belonging and Community Engagement.”




UVA was founded by Thomas Jefferson, the author of our Declaration of Independence. Jefferson’s work presented the moral case for a common freedom among all men. The university has an historic opportunity to promote the time-tested principles:


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”


But, instead of working towards the ideal of the Shining City on the Hill under Jeffersonian principles, his university embraced the divisive quotas of the neo-Marxist DEI crowd.


Tens of millions of dollars in student tuition and taxpayer monies are flowing into promoting anti-American notions and radical philosophies that judge the color of one’s skin instead of the content – and competence – of their character.


Students, taxpayers and all who care about learning can look to Florida as the beacon of a new day. Perhaps Virginia, a birthplace of our Constitutional republic, home to birth places of individual rights and freedoms in America, will emulate the model.

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 6:22 p.m. No.20544616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don’t understand what you are saying. Is it ok if they are being sabotaged or they have shoddy or useless employees. Is either one good? You think in a weird pattern

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 6:37 p.m. No.20544670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4724

President Trump is Providential just like George Washington etc. Never forget that. “Our Nation Is Clearly Lost”: Dave Brat On The America’s Need For A Sheppard In These Crises



Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 6:53 p.m. No.20544724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729


This tells me regardless of the sector of society,we are in the final battle of light and dark, Good and Evil. God or fallen ones. This is the final battlenot only for America but our entire World. That is why its gearing up every moment.


This is the Final Battle of God’s Children, We Must win, and Trump will Lead Us


He’s not a Messiah, but he was/is chosen by God!

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 7:01 p.m. No.20544742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4746


That was not the statement, I said and believe Trump is not and will never be a Jesus. He is the warrior that defends Christianity and belief in God and Government ruled by God.


You obviously didn’t read what was said

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 7:26 p.m. No.20544810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4836 >>4895 >>4935


Wow, I somewhat understand this. So math is computations based on a false notion or predicated on an intentionally false result. I’m sort of understanding this. So could it be our entire monetary systems are totally false? Thx for posting this

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 7:40 p.m. No.20544863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4875 >>4884 >>4893 >>4909 >>4925 >>4952 >>4987 >>4999 >>5002 >>5061 >>5107 >>5225

Derek Broes



This is precisely what is happening! It happens in many ways in each person differently. The ‘Great Reset’ is a physical opposition to the Universe planned for those that ‘hear’.! You are a target because of who you ARE even before you know who you are. ==Hang right! Brace! Brace! Brace! You've got



Embedded video

1:00 AM · Mar 6, 2024




Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 7:54 p.m. No.20544913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4943


It feels like that to me, transcendence Is difficult if we don’t accept change. There’s seems to be a dramatic change since 2017 till now and its obvious with PDJT. Acceleration

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 8:28 p.m. No.20544991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4999 >>5002 >>5020 >>5061 >>5107 >>5225

Send me back to congress

Well, Joe’s State of the Union medical cocktail has officially worn off…

March 9, 2024 (a day ago)


Everyone saw it coming—they were bound to prep Joe with some potent “medical cocktail” before the State of the Union. There was no way they’d let him take the stage in his usual state, drifting off like he’s lost in some nursing home daydream. In their playbook, it’s way better to have Joe all fired up, maybe on a blend of Hunter’s cocaine spiked with steroids and a few extra enhancers, raging and ranting at full volume, rather than quietly drooling on himself. However, this high-octane strategy comes with its own massive drawback.


Sure, the left and the regime media dodge the cringe-worthy flood of clips showcasing Joe’s linguistic adventures—mistaking Iran for “Kentucky,” chatting up the deceased, or extending handshakes to thin air. Dodging this bullet, though, only brings another problem to the forefront. The stark difference between the usual Joe and his turbocharged, screaming meemie counterpart is so over-the-top that it opens up a whole new can of worms for the regime. It becomes glaringly evident to everyone, both in the US and the world, that Joe’s team saves the “special sauce” for the big public appearances. And frankly, this realization—that they have to medicate him to make him slightly presentable—is even more alarming than watching him fumble through his words in real time.


That’s exactly the scenario we’re seeing unfold. In just 24 hours, Joe transitioned from a vein-popping, spit-flying, screaming spectacle, raging at the American people like a wild banshee, to losing track of his identity, profession, and the very reason he’s on the campaign trail.


In other words, the cocktail wore off big time.


It’s one of the most absurdly stark contrasts ever, and it’s so much worse than just letting senile Joe be senile Joe. Most people agree. Here’s what they’re saying:


Makes you wonder if they are doing this on purpose. Complete change from SOTU.”


“They can’t give him the good stuff too often.


“Give him more drugs he needs them. Hunters Whitehouse cocaine”


“They tried to put him out less than 72 hours later. Bold.”


“I called it “Hunters bump.”


“Uppers always wear off quickly…”


“It was obvious Joe was under the influence”


That last observation hits the nail on the head. It was glaringly clear that Joe Biden was heavily “juiced up” to ensure he made it through the State of the Union without dribbling on himself. This isn’t the way to run a government, yet here we are, watching what feels like an extended SNL sketch set in a dementia ward. It’s high time for a change—enough is indeed enough..”


it wore off

Anonymous ID: 65b4d5 March 9, 2024, 8:45 p.m. No.20545035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As usual, night shift is the best shift.Love you anons even though we don’t know each other, we are connected in some cosmic way!


WWG1WGA and never forget that.