joe biden knows america is being flooded with illegals (he doesn't call "migrant")
if you are anti-Israel is that antisemitic? is that because they don't have diversity?
that was strange
so if being anti israel is antisemitic it's because israel isn't diverse as the rest of the world. being anti america isn't antisemitic for instance
how many black people are even in israel anyone know?
according to wikipedia there seem to be NO black people in israel
can someone start a go fund me to help the first black person go to israel?
what happened with htis lady, so was DA of Georgia, then tried to put trump in jail for January 6, appointed a guy to prosecute, then it all came out she lied under oath, had all these conflicts of interest??
isarel is 1.9% christian and 1.6% druze
anyone know druze?
not sure why more christians don't move there, our greatest ally and also they do visit
that's weird it specifies african american, are there also black people from africa?
let's see there's 10 million people in israel and 25,000 african americans is that like what percent hmm 1%?