Anonymous ID: d0b9ea March 9, 2024, 10:23 p.m. No.20545319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yes, my Dear Ones these days are finally coming to this planet. I am aware that humanity has been waiting for a very long time to become free and be reunited with their loved ones from the other side of the veil. Everything is going according to the Divine Plan created by Father, God. This year is going to unveil many unexpected truths and events. Please, get yourself ready for all of the good things that will be coming to you in the future and enjoy the ride of your lifetime.


Earth is going to be free from animal and human abuse, no more torture. All of you had enough of that. The rest of us and I, Saint Germain don't want to see anymore suffering in this part of the Galaxy. Everything you know and learned here is going to fade away, everyone will be learning the real truth about who they are, where they came from and why they are here.


Your Ascension Process is accelerating as Prime creator is speeding up time for all of the events to occur globally sooner. Please, remember to stay in high vibrations by having trust and faith that good changes are on the way. The Universal Divine Plan is in the works and nothing can't stop that. The Negative Side is losing their position daily, no matter how hard they are trying to stay in control, it's not working anymore as the Light is winning over the Darkness.


Light Warriors and Light Workers prepare yourself to become very busy in the near future as you are an essential part in this transition from 3D to 5D. Everyone's assignment is going to be disclosed to them when the right time arrives. Your mentors will start revealing themselves to you, and they are going to guide you through your missions. This is very important and crucial period of time on Mother Earth, don't be afraid, if some turmoil and chaos will appear in your world, that is expected before the new foundation fully replaces the old way of life.


You are very blessed to be here on planet Gaia during this amazing and incredible transformation to a new 5D reality. Many civilizations from different Universes and Galaxies are closely watching and observing on what is occurring in this part of the Galaxy. They are excited for the Human Race and sending their Light and Love to everyone.


I know that all of you have been patiently waiting to be saturated by wealth. Human beings desperately need funds to end all of the misery on Mother Gaia. There is enough money here on this planet to remove all of the hunger and poverty in every country, but it was stolen from humanity, which you are aware of now.


I am working with other beings on the removal of all the corrupted members from Alliance in order to be able redistribute the wealth in a safe and smooth manner without any interruptions. Also, I will be selecting myself on who is going to be helping me with this task. Only the very trusted and pure souls will be part of this process, which is very important and at same time very delicate on how to distribute the funds without creating a huge chaos on your planet.


As you see, I have been very busy with this mission on Earth, and I am very happy that the prosperity is going help everyone live a better life, and it's going to end all of the pain and suffering here. The Quantum Financial System can't be hacked or be compromised, as you already heard numerous times about it. Everything is being prepared, so we can start changing this old corrupted reality for a new one, which will be blissful and a happy one in your world.


My dear ones, please, remember I am here to guide and support you in your Ascension Journey on Terra Christa. Anytime, your going through a hard time, you feel lost, lonely or fearful just call my name, and I am going to help you to get through this rough part in your life, so you can see again the Light and feel the Love.


The extreme weather in Texas and in other states was created by the Dark Forces in order to disrupt the Process of Freedom for the Human Civilization. The Texas state will play an important role in the future for humanity.


I am very grateful to able to share with you this information. We will talk soon. I am Saint Germain sending to all of you my Love and Blessings. Thank you.

Anonymous ID: d0b9ea March 9, 2024, 10:32 p.m. No.20545331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5336

Greetings My Children,


I am Prime creator, God, Father or Source here today to send my message to all of you. This is a call for humanity to wake up and raise their consciousness and help bring by Earth to the Golden Age.


As I said previously that we started The Final Phase of Divine Plan to bring Ascension to Mother Gaia, who moved awhile ago to 5th dimension, now you need to catch up to her speed. Ashtar with his fleet are working together with other Light Forces and are continuing the clean up on your planet by removing the Dark Forces.


They are still trying to resist by creating chaos and obstruction like the extreme weather to slow down the process of eliminating them from this part of the Galaxy. Their period of domination is coming to the end, no matter how hard they trying to postpone their inevitable defeat. Yes, the Light is winning and the enslavement of humankind, which lasted for many thousands of years will be ending.


There still many tasks left that need to be finished. Light Warriors, Light Workers and Alliance are going to be briefed about their missions here. Queen An-Ra removed most of the corrupted members from Alliance. Now, we are waiting for the New Republic to be announced and moved to a new location leaving behind Washington DC as the old corrupted place.


The hidden truths about the New World Order, torture, sacrifice, sex slavery of children, experiments, and using humans as slave labor on other colonies in space, all of this will be coming to the surface. No more lies, only the truth will be revealed to the everyone on Terra Christa.


The Age of Aquarius is all about big changes in your reality. This illusionary world of 3D Matrix is cracking everywhere and nothing can't stop it. Please, stay positive and meditate to raise your frequencies, you will need that in the upcoming future. Be prepared to create a new society free of control based only on a free will. Happy and blessed times are ahead of you.


For all the none believers who think all of this is just a conspiracy or someone's wild imagination, I can assure you, all of the Galactic Civilizations and me who are working on this Ascension Project on Mother Arya (Earth) are real, and one day millions of ships are going to land on this planet. This not a fantasy anymore, it's coming to manifestation as the time lines of 3D are merging with 5D. Human beings are in the process of regaining their powers, memories and access to their Akashic Records.


I noticed that some are skeptical about humanity ascending with their physical bodies, it's going to happen by my Divine Plan, which was put in place a long time ago. Now, everything is coming together, as the old structure is falling apart and the new foundation is being build right now, in this moment. Be always in the moment, don't go to the past or future. Your future is always created in the present moment.


In our higher dimension all of us are celebrating the New Era on Gaia. The Golden Age is approaching to this part of Galaxy fast as time was accelerated by me, that our realty would merge quicker with yours to create a 5D world with a new Galactic multidimensional Human Race.


The distribution of wealth and launching of advanced technology is going to remove all the poverty, suffering and misery from every country across the globe. As, I said before, I don't want to see anymore delays, this Final Phase of Ascension needs to be completed. Remember, who you really are I AM LIGHT, I AM LOVE and I AM.


Universes, Planets, Galaxies and Creations always keep evolving, progress never stops, it continues to move forward. The same thing happens here on Earth, the New Republic is going to be unveiled soon. You just connect to my God Consciousness and you are going to see, what the rest of us and I are seeing, as we are all One Universal Consciousness.


The Galactic Federation of Light is protecting Mother Earth all the time from any big catastrophic events. Our ships are patrolling your skies and your world 24/7, and Ashtar is receiving nonstop military intelligence on any activity by the Dark Forces. Like, the cold weather in Texas and in other states was created by a hidden technology from another planet, which was destroyed by our fleet after we discovered it.


Now, we are coming to the end of our assignment and waiting for reunion, landing and we are ready to help you build a new society here. The Collective Consciousness keeps expanding daily more and more people are getting awake and starting to ask questions about their governments and media, they are trying to find the truth between the illusions and secrets.