Anonymous ID: e94427 March 10, 2024, 4:35 a.m. No.20546079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Too big to rig indeed. However, they will refuse to acknowledge and verify the results claiming, "Trump cheated!" All hell will break lose as the invaders and other DS terror cells are activated to start terrorist attacks against the people and eachother. The admin calls in the military and national guard and begins martial law. Hope is the remaining USMIL assets, even the retired and non-active duty remember their oath(true precipice imho). They fight the invasion armies, and in turn stop and take back the infiltrated gov't by force. Many die in this twisted scenario, but it's been gamed out to be the best outcome to minimize loss of innocent life this way over the long run.


Or not.


Bossman takes it all, and the DS infiltration is crushed once and for all. But something tells me it's more likely to be the first scenario or a hybrid of both involving a major fight and/or FF nationwide with some unfortunate amount of death.