Anonymous ID: 02cac3 March 10, 2024, 6:11 a.m. No.20546398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6418 >>6423


This is precisely the recipe to destroy a nation before it's reinvented as a communist hellhole. Mao did it in China; Lenin & Stalin did it in Russia; Castro did it in Cuba…


(1) Infiltrate the educational system and indoctrinate the youth.

(2) Infiltrate the press and government, positioning people in key positions for the day when hostilities break out.

(3) Erase history (and do not teach it in schools) so people have no background to draw upon for perspective and making reasoned decisions.

(4) Destroy and denounce healthy family life and traditions, including religious traditions. Stripped of history, culture, religion and family, people have only the government to look to for guidance.

(5) Create conditions for mass starvation. Denounce everyone who does not regurgitate the communist talking points verbatim, every time. Convince the youth that objection to communist rule equates to being "the people's enemy."

(6) Hostilities break out; crime is encouraged, to create chaos and destroy routines of business and social life. Encourage indoctrinated youth to destroy everything "old;" that is, everything related to the nation's identity, family identity and religion.

(7) Now round up all the useful idiots who helped emplace the communist rulers and murder them all as "traitors to the revolution."


It's a recipe. I wish I had a recipe for the antidote.