> Falstaff
The OG brewery for it (just north of the former main Lemp complex) has been converted into a warehouse and also houses an indoor skateboard facility.
So, it's ded but at least not useless.
> Falstaff
The OG brewery for it (just north of the former main Lemp complex) has been converted into a warehouse and also houses an indoor skateboard facility.
So, it's ded but at least not useless.
Had to look it up since those of us that only speak American have bigly issues pronouncing the inferior versions of the mother language.
The Bongs won't admit it, but they love naming stuff after the Frenchies.
>10 Year: Hussein vintage
>25 Year: Bill Jeff vintage
How much for a bottle of Ronnie Raygun era LeFrog?
>Boris Johnson ended the peace deal…
Eh pretty much but
At the time they were talking about having moar talks but Boris said nein!
I guess any leftover Ronnie Raygun / Maggie Thatcher Special Distilled era LeFrog has already turned into lighter fluid by now, huh?
That's muh true loss.
I thought something was spoopy about that new Kuru Kafe that just recently opened down the street from the capital.
Yeah, the mornings when Vatican isn't here because he has his weekly MOS conf call are the best.