Anonymous ID: 5aae11 July 6, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.2055718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5838

Q team mentioned early on that we have no idea how large the scope of the corruption is and a documentary a friend turned me on to a few days ago brought this point home. I despise netflix but the series is called making a murder and involves Steven Avery and his nephew Brenden. Guy gets convicted based on corrupt sheriff and da, does 18 years and gets cleared. A week after a lawsuit gets decided for over 30 mil because of the corruption, a dead woman is "found" on his property. Gets set up again by the same PD, corrupt da, judge, ect… and gets life along with his nephew. Clearly pedowood movie plotline style set up and every avenue refused to hear his case on appeal and even the supreme court refused to hear it despite obvious evidence to show they were innocent. Truly disturbing but worth a watch since this is what we are up against from top to bottom. And if POTUS sees this, forget the low iq idiots from the nfl recommending pardons, look into cases like these in which any normal citizen could be thrust into. Love to each of you - no homo.