Anonymous ID: 64c8fa July 6, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.2055437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Recall Q post above moving to quickly or soon about Iran? My interpretation was Iranian people didn’t have access to tools and support needed to be successful in reclaiming their country. It appears that problem has been overcome.


40,000 view of 2017 NK, Iran nuke testing, munitions supplied to groups in Syria. Axises of evil chugging along.


40,000 view of 2018 NK, Russia, Turkey, SA, Israel and others on the Trump train regarding Middle East peace.


Cause: US: walks away from Iranian deal

Effect: Iranian citizen protests grow with support of US.

Effect: EU struggles to preserve deal.


Cause: US imposes sanctions on Iran in response to Iran funding terrorist organizations

Effect: Iranian citizens protest spread throughout Iran

Effect: EU formal meetings to find way around US sanctions

Effect: Rouhani making rounds to salvage deal, plots terrorist attack in Paris


This week 30 days before first round of sanctions. Iran is worried and throws weight around.


Iran terror plot using diplomats

Iran death sentence of Iranian Kurd Ramin Hossein Panahi

Iran shut off AC in political wing of prison (unconfirmed)

Iran threatened to shut down main shipping point which carrying 17 million barrels of oil daily and is lifeline to Persian countries trade (40% go to Europe).


MSM reaction to paint Trump as evil for leaving Iran Deal. MSM reports on EU stepping up to preserve Iran Deal. Even some smaller pieces about C A-led regimen change.


Enter Kansas. Sec Pompeo using twitter to concisely outline history of Iranian funding Terrorism with link to State Dept report cutting through the BS with documented proof.


Remember Pompeo’s 12 points….preconditions to talks with Iran? US will continue to exert maximum pressure on Iran.


In last 24 hours


-EU has reaffirmed its commitment to the flawed Iran Deal.,amp.html


-EU has taken formal steps to allow banks to sidestep US financial sanctions on Iran.


Why is EU trying to undermine US sanctions against Iran? OIL MONEY AND FEAR


EU has chosen Iran and all it represents over its friend and ally USA.


My speculation: Rouhani is meeting with EU leaders to reinforce threats made in past. Rouhani isn’t taking EU word. He may be tone deaf, not stupid. He wants EU leadership to force US to rescind sanctions.


Do you think Trump and Pompeo will take their foot off Iran’s throat?


Have you noticed how quiet GCC is? Trump made friends in the Middle East. I’d bet there is cooperation, intel swapping, and military maneuvers in place.


US true allies will be ones who cancel oil delivery contracts from Iran like South Korea did.


Trump tweets blasting OPEC and SA on production drops? Feeding MSM.


USA leapfrogged SA to world’s 4th largest producer. Even CNN agrees.


The “tariff war with China” is also a strategic move to keep EU from aiding Iran. Trump can quickly impose tariffs on any country, any industry on basis of national security.


What will happen if, or rather when, Trump identifies the European Investment Bank (EIB) as a financial arm of terrorism?


Rouhani wants money. He doesn’t care if it’s from China or EU.


Trump and Pompeo are quietly choking Iran off from its lifeline.


As soon as China agrees to halt money train to Iran, tariffs go away. As soon as EU decide who their real allies are, US oil exports to EU increase.


Who’s quiet on sidelines? Russia, SA, GCC, NK. They all have vested interests in US success with Iran. They will feed intel to US while outwardly condemn US actions. Look at Trump/ tweets for confirmation how little fear Trump has of any real retaliation against US interests.


Enter Q posts regarding chess and game. Or rather games within The Game.


In this context, Iran is the King, if you will. The goal is to force Iran into checkmate to end the game known as Axis of Evil.


Think chess. What do pieces represent? What are purposes of each piece?


Who are the global pawns, bishops, rooks?


This may be the greatest diplomatic move ever choreographed by and world leader. Any missteps could cause global chaos in terms of global recession, widespread terrorism, and outright war. The goal of world peace is in sight. The goal of global fair trade is right behind it.


Watch oil contracts. Watch bank investment announcements. Watch infrastructure deal in Middle East, SA and Iran specifically. Watch news in Djibouti.


Isn’t it ironic that an Iranian created the game of chess?

Anonymous ID: 64c8fa July 6, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.2055667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5686




money cut off from other sources. Who can they fund terrorism?


Strategically Iran gets money from Iraq and plays human rights card (LOL) to get EU to make Iran Deal work as it was set up.


Money to Iran and toe the line.