Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.2055549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What about a game called Qlue ?


We could have the players and events divided up into two groups, and the point of the game is to pair together the antagonist with the event.


Like 'Cards Against Humanity'


but 'Cards to Wake Humanity'.. or Qlue

Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.2055611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5921




You both need to read this. i am recommending to both you for perspective adjustment on what we're working against.


It's over a year old - so a little Pre-Q but you are going to find so many chilling accurate relevations and pieces of information in there ( if you've already read it, consider re_reading like you would q crumbs )

Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.2055838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5846 >>5853 >>5855 >>5946 >>6061



Making a Murderer - based on true story


fucked up part is the dead woman was found on his property and at that time, they were actually FILMING for the documentary.



Q's not posting because he's waiting for all the fucking idiots to clear out. Even if you don't think you're a shill, you're shitting up bread after bread with the dumbest shit ever.


Where did the real discussion and hunting and digging go?


Does Q REALLY have to handhold for anyone to do a fucking thing around here?


Did you forget there is no recognition or paycheck to collect, you don't get to know Q's identity, and he won't know yours ? Q came here for a reason, and you guys fucking debating the shit you are IS NOT WHY.


WAKE BACK UP Anons and stop fucking around. You're supposed to be the last ditch effort to save this fucking planet, and you guys are doing what?


obsessing over BO/BV shit - WHY THE FUCK in this thread? Oh you want to be seen, guess what - THIS AINT THE FUCKING PLACE TO BE SEEN "ANON"




now back to the actual fuckingmission :


KDC tweeted this 12 hours ago:


Kim Dotcom Retweeted Paul Petersen


Paul Petersen


Replying to @KimDotcom

Honestly, I would turn it all loose. Let everyone know about everything you know and start flooding it out there. If you're going down might as well take em all with ya


Kim Dotcom

‏Verified account @KimDotcom

12h12 hours ago


Kim Dotcom added,

First let the rotten process run its diabolical course. At the end of it their corruption may be exposed.




KDC is being extradited to the US on "copyright infringement", his latest appeal was denied but he's trying again.


what we know:

KDC is the link to 'His Name was Seth Rich'

KDC knows SR = Panda

KDC knows what SR leaked because KDC facilitated it with his 'hardware'

  • hardware that was "confiscated" by the US

  • KDC lives in NZ and has never set foot in USA - however US took his stuff and holding it hostage




anons ready to get back on fucking topic and stop debating whether or not DJT is the antichrist and gossiping over DJTJR's chick's shoes? She's a fucking woman she has 300 pairs of red shoes and they are not going to be made out of babies. Use some common fucking sense WITH critical thinking. Or go back to twatter.

Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.2055896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6067



lolol ok you must not get how the interwebz works and how all the shit you're supposed to be digging through even is there for you to dig in the first place.


KDC doesn't have to know anything. most people don't know they know stuff they maybe shouldn't.


KDC possesses information that the deep state does not want out.


KDC knows who seth rich is. who panda is. and what panda dropped. panda dropped the 'dnc emails' to wikileaks. ok?


do you not realize that KDC is the pawn piece that can blow the lid of the SR scandal?


if the SR scandal pops, what else goes with?



Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.2055974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6091




.. are you serious?

that article you linked just reinforces the image.


primary water naturally renews, but what happens to the secondary water - aquifers?



>Primarily used for irrigation, the aquifer is critical to the region where agriculture represents about 30 percent of the economy. Agriculture’s direct economic impact for the High Plains is upward of $3 billion annually.


It's being raped for all it can give before it can replenish because its supporting 30% of the fucking economy.


good god people. there is no hope for us is there

Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.2056047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6101


yeah this guy ( >>2055946 ) just don't get it.


He thinks Q has provided more proof of his claims than KDC has.


He thinks Q invented this movement.


He doesnt realize Q did not come here with original "exclusive" information.


He doesn't realize Q has been saying the same shit has MegaAnon and FBIAnon and that is why people mistake them all as the same entity at times.


He doesn't realize more than just Q might fucking know what's happening.


He is just like the rest of the fucking world apparently.

Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.2056089   🗄️.is 🔗kun



lol no, he was not the 'go-between'


he was the guy that had an infrastructure that could support the anonymous secured drop of wikileaks/DNC info FROM seth rich TO julian assange


KDC , SR, AND JA likely never had coffee together, but they did coordinate together.


the sooner people realize that not EVERYONE is a jew/shill/cabal associate but that EVERYONE has their nuts in a vice grip too, the clearer the picture becomes.

Anonymous ID: 9376ea July 6, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2056107   🗄️.is 🔗kun



wonder where rain comes from?


oh yeah! that whole evaporation / condensation shit.


It goes up in the sky as clouds, comes back down as rain


( fuck man, are you done now? )


why do you distill water? to remove impurities and heavy elements, like idk, metal and salt.