Anonymous ID: a0bfc7 July 6, 2018, 8:10 a.m. No.2055310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5319 >>5331 >>5332 >>5344 >>5348 >>5357 >>5423 >>5553 >>5556 >>5595 >>5611

>>2055189 (l/b)

I get what you're saying. Perhaps what you don't get is that many anons (myself included) hold diametrically opposed views in tension as we wait for the chips to fall or, as Q would say, for future to prove past. For the time being, DJT and Q seem the best hope but that doesn't mean that DJT isn't still high on my list as a possible candidate for the Antichrist.

We really are NOT all slavish followers of either Q or DJT. We are dispassionate, objective observers who follow where current research leads. And when the facts change, so do our opinions.

Anonymous ID: a0bfc7 July 6, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.2055813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5841 >>5857


>Major key: remain skeptical w/o becoming cynical

I think that's particularly important for UK anons like me - we can be a very cynical lot. On the other hand, I've always considered Americans to be incredibly gillible - they'll believe anything! Like so called- Pastors of Mega churches who fleece their flocks to the tune of billions and fly/cruise around the world in private planes and yachts, and still the gullible Yanks don't catch on.

Anyway, wwg1wga so, whatever our national dientity weaknesses (and, indeed, strngeths) we're all in it together now. One nation's weaknesses will be compensated by another nation's strengths. It's all about complementarity - not identicality leading to unnecessary competitiveness.

Anonymous ID: a0bfc7 July 6, 2018, 9:14 a.m. No.2055910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5939 >>6003


I don't believe in "collective consciousness." I believe in the unity of the Body of Christ (the Church Elect) and all who are not members of that by faith in Jesus' atonement for sin (God's grace demonstrated and freely given to all who believe) are under God's wrath and judgement.