Anonymous ID: d4f351 July 6, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.2055553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5592 >>5611 >>5690 >>5732 >>5900 >>5990


It's interdasting to me to imagine this board as a mirror. Reactions by the Q Team zealots is obvious and often vitriolic when ant questions are asked that could shed light on what is disinfo or directed off the board to other 'watchers'. This reminds me of the reaction of the left to Trump, as it appears like QDS (Q derangement syndrome) to me.


If Trump is looking to go authoritarian, he has to bury the hard left bigly, and leave a single party behind. Single party governance has been in my thoughts since I first made my way here. The potential is there certainly.


Yet you see Trump tweeting truth out and calling out for truth and denouncing mockingbirds. His demo call outs are related to specific issues or the 13 angry demos. His only available public weapons are truth and his base. I don'y see him calling for destruction of the democrats but rather for them to be reasonable rather than vote in lock step.


But the jury is still out, because without democrats, we become uniparty - and that is not a workable democratic republic.


Yet if it means outing pedos, killing off mockingbird and removing the cabal - I am for it. The afterward is, hopefully, in the hands of the voting public and some non-comped senators and reps. I could take a temporary hard right swing, but if the pendulum does not swing back, we will be headed in an untenable direction.


This is a difficult thing with the cabal not caring about parties but about money and their own globalist plans. It is a tough row to hoe.

Anonymous ID: d4f351 July 6, 2018, 8:45 a.m. No.2055637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


another reason why I am thinking that if there is a plan, it is very fluid (has to be with humans involved) and being run to open eyes and free minds. I am hopeful but holding several grains of salt due to the fact that no plan survives contact with the enemy…