Anonymous ID: fbc6c5 July 6, 2018, 8:02 a.m. No.2055257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

December 2017. Politico drops story that as part of the Iran Deal, the Hussein admin agreed to look the other way while Hezb. and cartels trafficked $100s of millions worth of drugs through the southern border.

Jan 11 Sessions appoints HSI and ICE to a new H investigation team.

June, 2018 drug indictments are announced.

Promptly, lying Dem leaders start protests about family togetherness/abolish Ice to hide real concern about exposure of the drug dealing alliance.

From excellent posts by Sharp Edge


Possible side by side-This is what Dem leaders rant about, this is what they are trying to hide.


Many in Dem base will not support leadership if leaders have aided drug smuggling. Dem leaders seem to shine a laser pointer (family separation) to keep their followers from looking at possible cover-up motives. Issue on the pointer varies week to week, but cover-up goal seems always the same.