Anonymous ID: 359ab4 March 11, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.20553401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3431 >>3519

shhhh, vortex math st*ff incoming. not just for fun.


1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

1 is that basic number being the base concept for primes. if you add (+) a 1 you create a new group that is linked to 1 via multiplication (x). 1 apple. 1 apple in a basked and now suddently there are 5 of those baskets.


2 - Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

2 is sort of a number that does an info thing with 1, a line, this or that point, this or that way to go in v shape, 0 1 info thing, "now" this.

2 is a prime and the base for every other number, providing sort of a grid.


3 - And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

with 3 things get more funny. when having 3 way crossroads it´s no either or 0 1 decision, but more of a weighted thing.

someone doing 2 thing, 0 1 would be someone walking v shape and being at bottom and deciding if to go left or right.

light, able of interferring with itself leads to two folks walking vs that are now a w and the folks starting at left v still being able to make it all the way to right upper corner of w shaped letter.


4 - God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

following that math thought Bibel, being based on love anyway and God being eternally good and all that, it´s clear that darkness is not bad. that is prolly why Bible says pretty explicit that light is good but does not state darkness is bad. darkness is even called night, a thing prolly night frightening to folks.

with that math thought the number 4 is the knowing expansion of the prime number 2, the first iteration or step in a grid that conveniently makes for every other number.

"seperated" might be seen as adding new axis, x, y, z, (whatever letter after z) when after 3 there needs to be sort of more room fitting in those new axis having 90 degrees log-ic again.


5 - God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

now 5 is a prime that is part of two prime twin pairs, being 3, 5 and 5, 7.

also 5 divides our 10 so convenient digit system and tells where to round up.


6 - And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.”

6 has both 2ishness (grid) as well as 3ishness to it.


7 - So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so.

when having 2 layers of 3 way crossings, adding another options from 6 to 7 is an interesting thing. where to disctribute? into 3ishness or into 2ishness?


8 - God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.

8 = 2^3. I could imagine that 2 grid based on prime number 2 needs the room itself, the sky, do add extra dimensions sort of to make that additional axis also with 90 degree fit in.


9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so.

9 is 3x3 and after 9 the next level or digit is reached when going from 9 to 10, making 90 or 19 maybe interesting numbers combining both 10ness as in whole way but also 9ness as in inbetweenness of digits 1-10. 10 is not a digit, but a number, next level.


10 - God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.

land: 1, first digit. sea: digits that follow that one.


11 - Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.

11, next level and prime.


12 - The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

3+4+5 = 12.

3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2


13 - And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

the line layed around the Phytagirian numbers 3, 4, 5 triangle has 13 dots, morning and evening at one spot.