For Alex, Tucker, Roger, Salty, Trump, and Torba
the truth matters! be upright as He is upright!
walk upright, in the light of day. honesty & integrity…
a grade six or seven story for you…
once upon a time i visited the alberta museum of anthropology [or what ever it was called]
once upon a time i had an assignment for school, to be done as i saw fit.
once upon a time i copied the brochure word for word and postcard for picture
once upon a time i got an A+ or something for my plagarism.
once upon a time i went to grade eight
many many many years ago… now why would i tell you this… ?
simple answer is as follows… because i can! because the number of times they have tried to kill me and failed has exceeded the number of toes & fingers i currently have.
seriously, trust in the Lord and know that your sin is under the blood of Jesus Christ. it has no power over you, unless you allow it with sin or other actions. do i boast in my iniquity? no, do i tell you how to maintain the presence of the holy spirit in your life? yes. by His stipes, we are made whole; by His blood, we are set free.
you want freedom from the devil, burn the things that tie you too him, things like your books on blood and bone magic, your skull rings, your charms; all that hinders your walk with the Lord, set it aside and come out from among them. DON'T PASS THE ASSOCIATED CURSES ON TO OTHERS, BE THE CHAIN BREAKER AND END THE LINE OF INIQUITY YOU ARE A PART OF!
don't follow me, follow Jesus Christ.
@DoomedDog Gab Social
as for big mike running for prez… not going to happen if mike can't keep his penis secret because joan rivers outed him before her death. and now the tafari campbell murder also tied to big mike. in short, if mike could stay "a woman" and not "a woman with a penis" … mike would run.