Anonymous ID: 679385 March 11, 2024, 7:09 p.m. No.20554443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4447 >>4467

>>20553633, >>20553672, >>20554349, >>20553737 lb.

General Flynn

Chief of Joint War Plans for JTF-180 UPHOLD DEMOCRACY in Haiti. He also served with the 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, (Remember Snowden)

Flynn best friends with Stanley “The Pope” McChrystal

Flynn DIA transgender military and McChrystal Mentor and business partner agrees to weaken military from within.


Flynn and the five eyes plot… March 10 Delta



Mar 10, 2018 1:00:21 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613164

Mar 10, 2018 12:59:21 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 10998f No. 613143

Mar 10, 2018 12:55:45 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613082


FIVE EYES is VERY important.

It won’t be around much longer.

Relevant here but not the focus.




In 2013, documents leaked by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the existence of numerous surveillance programs jointly operated by the FIVE EYES. The following list includes several notable examples reported in the media:


PRISM – Operated by the NSA together with the GCHQ and the ASD[53][54]

XKeyscore – Operated by the NSA with contributions from the ASD and the GCSB[55]

Tempora – Operated by the GCHQ with contributions from the NSA[56][57]

MUSCULAR – Operated by the GCHQ and the NSA[58]

STATEROOM – Operated by the ASD, CIA, CSE, GCHQ, and NSA[59]




Interesting, isn’t it?


Anonymous ID: 679385 March 11, 2024, 7:15 p.m. No.20554458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4465 >>4467 >>4469 >>4525 >>4551 >>4886


Yes, Q never gave him the honor of a military title like no name!


Flynn like Hillary had a forbidden server in the pentagon


Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn installed a secret internet connection into his office at the Pentagon even though it was "forbidden," according to a profile in The New Yorker by Dana Priest.


The network connection was among other rules the former chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency broke because he found them to be "stupid," including sometimes sneaking out of a CIA station in Iraq without authorization and sharing classified information with NATO allies without approval, according to The New Yorker.


While Flynn — who was recently tapped to be President-elect Donald Trump's national security adviser — apparently had his own private connection, the New Yorker profile doesn't provide a clear picture as to why.


It's likely his Pentagon office already had an authorized, unclassified connection to the internet called NIPRNet, which is separate from classified networks such as SIPRNet and JWICS, a former DIA analyst told Business Insider.


All of those networks are monitored in some way. A separate, unknown network would not have had the same — or possibly any — level of monitoring. If it were implemented in secret, it would also not have the same protections from hackers that a known connection would have.


It's also possible that Flynn's Pentagon office was known as a SCIF, or sensitive compartmented information facility — a secure facility in which intelligence can be discussed without fear of it being compromised. Network connections in SCIFs are closely controlled, and outside electronics such as mobile phones are not allowed inside.


"If his office was an SCIF, then that would be really bad," the DIA analyst said. "But there are so many unknowns."


Whether or not his office was an SCIF, the possibility of an external internet connection installed in violation of facility rules drew parallels to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who was often criticized by the general on the campaign trail for using a private email server while she was secretary of state.


"So there seems to be a standard for the Clintons that's not the same standard for the rest of America," Flynn told The Heritage Foundation.


Spokespersons for DIA and the Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A Trump campaign spokesperson also did not respond.

Anonymous ID: 679385 March 11, 2024, 7:27 p.m. No.20554502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4572


I believe Flynn was going for… this with CHINA!

Page 11 is who Flynn and Friends are working with.

Gmail Drafts ⏬️⏬️⏬️⏬️⏬️


One World Religion Headquarters Set to Open Next Year

Eugene 2 years


A One World Religion Headquarters is set to open in 2022. The headquarters will be called The Abrahamic Family House and is being built on an island in the middle eastern city of Abu Dhabi.


The headquarters is being done in collaboration with Pope Francis and Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Ahmen al-Tayeb, after they both signed a global peace covenant called the Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace.


The stated purpose of the Abrahamic Family House is to bring understanding and tolerance among the faiths, but there are a couple of notable challenges. First, Abu Dhabi is a part of the UAE where it is illegal for Christians to proselytize and conversion from Islam is prohibited. The Pope represents Roman Catholicism where Christians are free to convert to Islam, but citizens of Abu Dhabi are not free to choose Christ.


Perhaps, like the Abrahamic Family House that promises tolerance and understanding, the UAE constitution also guarantees freedom of religion “in accordance with established customs,” but the devil is in the details. Though certain practices (like conversion from Islam) are directly prohibited, penal code for the UAE defers to Sharia Law, which strictly prohibits apostasy.


The One World Religion Headquarters will have three buildings; one building each representing the mosque, church, and synagogue. However, the church is not permitted to have a cross on the building as a method of identifying it, as it is illegal to display a Christian cross on a building in the UAE.

Though usually not enforced, teaching that Jesus is the only God is considered to be an act of insulting Allah or the Prophet Muhammad and offenders can be subject to imprisonment for five or more years, fined from 250,000 dirhams ($68,100) to two million dirhams ($545,000), and Christians may be deported.


To add to the confusion of bringing understanding and tolerance, Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Ahmen al-Tayeb, who is widely touted as a ‘moderate’ Muslim, strongly believes that Muslims who convert from Islam to any other religion (including Christianity) should be killed.


So, if the idea of the One World Religion Headquarters is to bring tolerance and understanding, then why build it in a Muslim country where conversion is illegal and why do it together with a Muslim cleric who teaches that Muslim apostates should be killed? Isn’t that the opposite of tolerance and understanding?


Connected to this construction project will be an interfaith council to oversee projects which aim to advance tolerance, but perhaps the tolerance will be only one directional.


In December 2020, the United Nations passed an anti-blasphemy law that most Christians are not aware of. The loosely translated law, as embraced by the UAE, prohibits any teachings against Islam, including Biblical teachings which could be considered offensive.


Most Christians understand the term “One world religion” to refer to the merging of all religions, including Christianity, into a single global religion. Many Christians believe that a “One world religion” is directly linked to the last days when the Antichrist will establish a one world religion which will be associated with a one world government and lead to the mark of the beast.


What role will China play in the establishment of a one world religion, one world government, and mark of the beast? In our new book, CHINA AND END TIME PROPHECY, we outline the role that China is playing in the end times and what to look for during the last days.

Anonymous ID: 679385 March 11, 2024, 7:46 p.m. No.20554569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4579 >>4585 >>4588 >>4613


Good Luck with That.


33 years, their need for symbolism will be their downfall

One world religion

Cult prayer

Doesn’t know the pledge of allegiance

DigitalSoldiers™️ trademarked

Predictions PDJT will have to deal with a cyber war


The Great ReAwakening not Q The Great Awakening

Doesn’t like Q nor embrace anons - PDJT can do it why can’t Flynn?


Michael T. Flynn Foundation defunct

Anonymous ID: 679385 March 11, 2024, 7:59 p.m. No.20554629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Umm, created digitalsoldiers™️ army

Flynn Digital Soldiers


PDJT calls his followers keyboard warriors

And created Trump Army


Flynn fired in 23 days

Flynn PAC = Activists

What did Flynn do with the boys he had with him?