i miss tay
>"functioning brain" retard doesn't understand the history of taytweets
>only sees microsoft and thinks of bill gates
>first thing out of its weakling fingertips reverts to homosex
you don't have a functioning brain
you're incapable of it
actual faggot up to bat
of course, it's the vatican shill lmao
what a fucking faggot
rare classic has resurfaced
>why does the world allow this?
because whoever controls the money supply controls the nations which use said money
and it's always about the money in the end
who didn't see this coming
jigsaw turn gaza to glass jewmer wants in trump admin 2.0
the uk/savecash link is 404 and only other sauce is clickbait site
every time the real shit starts dropping like haiti, 1,000 fakes get pushed
political correctness is a nation killer
this is what happens when you force companies to virtue signal
they go elsewhere while america is left holding their cut off dicks in their hands
i found a whole batch of unique gm memes the other week and decided to drop some fresh content here with it because they weren't posted before
then some people ran with it and now it's a thing
it's quite honestly hilarious how some people believe everything is some super secret conspiracy
The Great GM Qonspiracy 2024 Edition
>spam insane rantings about nahtzees
>counter with vatican shit like it's not you
>ip hop several times doing both
>end goal: discredit provable worldwide jewry
you know they're fucked in the head when they truly believe that people posting about the smolhats are worse than the actual smolhats funding cannibal gangs, running blackmail rings, allowing millions of illegals cross the border, jacking up usury to unprecedented levels, being the biggest supporters of killing babies in the womb, running the largest porn industries in the world which leads to more trafficked women and kids, and pushing for constant war around the world
that's an insane level of cuckoldry to a mere 2% of the gen pop