from 'Summary"
The Earth’s geomagnetic field is vital for United States national security. While
invisible, this protective shield has allowed life to evolve on Earth and has set the conditions for the creation of advanced human civilizations. Without a strong and active magnetic field, the Earth would be an analog to Mars. As such, understanding the dynamics, mechanisms and future behavior of the geodynamo should be a national priority.
This research highlighted how fragile the nation’s infrastructures become when the
protection offered by the geomagnetic field is compromised. The increase in technology, the
accelerating decrease in magnetic field strength and threat of large-scale adverse space weather are converging together to create the perfect geomagnetic storm. The findings of this research displayed how unprepared the nation is for both dangerous space weather and the next reversal event, and how prediction capabilities for both leave much to be desired.
If the government does not act now, then the cost of such inaction could be trillions of
dollars in economic losses and the deaths of millions of Americans. The recommendations
offered by this research are practical examples of how the nation could mitigate and prepare for a cataclysmic pole reversal. By re-focusing funding on geomagnetism programs and geomagnetism research, building the world’s first 3-D real-time view of the interior of the Earth, and spearheading a “Global Geomagnetic Initiative,” the nation would be able to bolster
geomagnetism knowledge and develop prediction capabilities for the Earth’s geodynamo.
Furthermore, by focusing on improving space weather forecasting capabilities, hardening the
satellite and electrical infrastructures, and implementing early warning and control measures, the nation could mitigate the negative impacts of both adverse space weather and polarity reversals.
The development of national response, recovery and risk plans would go a long way toward preparing the nation’s emergency response organizations for such a large-scale disaster. Finally, much like the nation has done with climate change and global warming, the United States needs to make understanding the Earth’s geodynamo and complex systems a priority. While scientific understanding of the Earth is increasing every day, there is still much regarding the Earth system that technology and science cannot currently explain.
In short, the nation needs to focus on understanding the Earth as an entire system rather than focusing on one particular part, as areas from climate, to earthquakes, to volcanoes and pole reversals remain outside current capabilities to predict and understand. The future survival of the nation will depend on gaining a holistic understanding of the Earth as a complex and variable system. While the 20th century focused on space exploration, the 21st century should focus on gaining an understanding of the complex and dynamic planet Earth.