Anonymous ID: 6a54ac March 12, 2024, 8:05 a.m. No.20556904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6917

Tell Melania and Baron hello from me. Also tell the older kids hi, except Jared, hasn't he been a bad boy? Didn't kiss the mezuza? Let me know if he's still a family member. Let's see.


Isn't it about time that Vlad started leaking his proof of bioweapons labs in ukraine? How the world was to be altered, via DNA, to be mindless slaves?


We, as in you, need to start trickling out the treasure trove of Russian documents showing how BHO, JRB, HRC, et al rigged the system.


Let's see it all, NO MORE SECRETS. Too Many Secrets. Our Governments should never have secrets. Period. Secrets lead to the deletion of souls.


Their temple which reeks of reptilian DNA and greed is rotting from information that's being discovered by the normal human. Sleestacks are easy to kill and lack feelings. They are experimenting on us, all day every day.


It's all a movie, scripted many many thousands of years ago. It seems my role has yet to make a stage appearance…do you know how mind blowing this all is to my brain? Fix her btw, i want to be married to someone who satisfies my physical needs, not rosie palms and her five sisters. Fix the fuck back into her.


Jim, you didn't have to go that white, it easily identifies you as being in their group. So many pearly whites lately.


Melania, kick DJT in the head once for me, tell him to get his shit together.