Anonymous ID: d0622b July 6, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.2056408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6453 >>6738

This is a series of posts that were made on /pol/ that deserve to be reposted here.


Significance of the “thousand points of light” and the New Dawn


The sun/points of light imagery is everywhere.


As the Illuminati believe they are the true enlightened ones, they utilize it everywhere… flags, logos, emblems, architecture… to mark their presence, their beliefs, and their plan for world domination. But working it into verbal imagery has predominantly taken these two forms, the points of light and the rising sun or dawn of a new day.


And when they use these terms they are announcing something.


As many scholars know, the Illuminati readily utilize coded language to convey plans to each other and try to brainwash the masses to accept their goals. Now, what does the thousand points of light mean?


As early as September 1788, Freemasons George Washington and Alexander Hamilton used the words “points of light.”


The occultist Alice Bailey [in her 1957 book "The Externalization of the Hierarchy"] described the points of light as the leaders of the occult group called the New Group of World Servers. Bailey believed that the points of light and light groups were necessary in building up the New Age.


Bailey believed that an invocation ritual was needed in order for Light to exist among men.


This Light isn’t the true Light of 'God,' but a New Age 'false Light.'


Bush’s words were used to establish his allegiance to the Elite and condition citizens of this magical alchemy.


This is wierd IMO because there are three 'books' or Sepher that they are trying to find/steal. These are ancient Babylonian books that are part of the blood of Kingu (Cain) but they are hidden inside the blood of humanity (which was used to fashion humanity; the 'gods' [el lights or el lites] want them BACK to restore their fallen status). The idea (I suppose) is that once they possess all three books they will be gods on earth again. This is the whole hidden meaning behind looking for the second (female) and third (child) to steal the books and become like gods…the first book (male) is incorporated into our legends and myths as the SELF sacrificing father figure (but really it is murdered) the second is the SELF sacrificing mother figure (murdered again) and the third is the child figure (murdered again)…see the 9/11 human sacrifice ritual + building 7 (child). This black magic ritual is focused and repeated over and over again in the hope of conjuring up the 'mother figure' out of the West…meh…it's complicated. And of course the idea of the sun (this is always feminine in ancient times) rising in the West is such an old prophecy that it is difficult to know the origin. This also has to do with the Elementis (God minds or 4 corners or Watchers) as well.

Anonymous ID: d0622b July 6, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.2056453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Three pillars/sepher/principles…the stealing and murder of humanity to 'regain' their status is very old…and it is global…their search is global…only God could count the dead at their hands.


Because they have identified their target…the next 'human sacrifice' that needs to be achieved to reach their goal of 'godhead'…I watch them very closely…because I want them to fail. I am not a zionist. Nor do I believe that they are worthy of the godhead they so greatly desire but cannot seem to achieve. They are so perverse by my own reckoning that I find them literally repulsive. This is why you see things like the prophecy of '3 days of darkness' in the biblical revelations account…it is symbolic of the dying and rising gods (among other things)…It would get pretty fucking cold on Earth after three days of darkness (Nibiru; see Babylonian Marduk inside Tiamat)…but this also occurs in a less perverted form in the Prose Edda as well. The sun dies (see the Masonic pillar; female) and the Prose Edda says that she has one only child who ascends to take her place. Well, the homosexual faggot pedos who are the House of Set or COVENant people believe that they are the 'child' who ascends and provides the light (BLIGHT) on Earth when they are finally finished with all their murders (I don't suppose this precludes some good ol fashioned child raping etc as 'gods' still since they will be reigning over the entire globe)…this is what they have been 'plying people with as bait' when they talk about 'going to heaven' (see the staircase/central pillar/third book…it is all the same symbolism)…but they never meant for it to apply to humanity as a whole, only to themselves. Crowley believed he could achieve this sexually but it seems to me that they have pulled out all the stops, even the weakest ones are quickly trying to 'catch up with the prerequisite 72 'lifespans' required on Earth to achieve their goal…even if it means Epstiening out and child rape murder in their 'temple'…they want to make sure the '72 souls' or names of god are attributed to them in time for their ascension.


b stand for boaz and j stands for jaochim…. force and fullcrum, the 2 pillars outside solomon's temple that were filled with sand and used to raise an area in the holy of holies like a sand elevator just like the egyptians were using in their pyramids


The WTC 1 and 2 were named Jacohim and Boaz