This timeline is better than the previous timeline.
This timeline has more happiness and hopefulness than the previous timeline.
Not so… had you read the Bible you would know better.
This timeline has more lulz than the previous timeline.
Post-count Naziism was invented by Clown Central.
Post-count Nazi Nanny.
“No filters.”
It’s bait you know…
No… the worst part is that you’re offended by it. Snowflake.
Down with UIDs? Get rid of them.
Clown Central needs UID tracking to try to control the narratives.
Filter reality and you deny yourself the ability to object to evil.
No Filters.
Clown trash…..
Patriots WRWY. You are not alone here.
Because you’re a Clown Snowflake… a joke.
Too weak to handle reality on this board? Too weak to handle reality IRL.
Can’t stand up against evil on this board? Will not be able to stand up against evil IRL.