Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 11:33 a.m. No.20562599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2606 >>2607

"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US As Migrant Shelters Become Infectious Disease Breeding Grounds


The radical progressives in the Biden administration are responsible for the greatest migrant invasion this nation has ever seen but also an emerging public health crisis, as millions of unvaccinated and undocumented illegals (some with infectious diseases) are being piled into migrant shelters nationwide like cattle.


Daily Mail reports the US is on the verge of a "major measles outbreak," with cases in the first two months of the year nearly eclipsing those in the previous year.


" … as doctors warn many young physicians have never even seen a patient infected with the virus. Hundreds of people are already feared to be infected in California and Arizona after cases were confirmed in people in the states who visited local hospitals," the media outlet said.


It's important to recognize that migrant shelters are becoming breeding grounds for the spread of infectious diseases. Notably, it's the Democrats, often referred to as the 'party of science,' who are enabling this public health crisis to materialize while the pharma-industrial complex secretly cheers as the next crisis will need more vaccines.


Earlier on Tuesday, Elon Musk responded to Fox News' Bill Melugin's post on X. The billionaire said "!" in response to a CNN report that a measles outbreak in a Chicago migrant shelter is quickly worsening.


Besides corporate media blaming a low vaccination rate, maybe - just maybe - overcrowded shelters with migrants from third-world countries are the most likely root cause of the public health crisis. None of these migrants were screened at the border for contagious diseases - and were able to walk right over - some were even flown in on airplanes, and others were bussed into sanctuary cities by a shadowy network of taxpayer-funded governmental organizations. Besides future Democrat voters, you'll never guess the reason why migrants were shipped in by the millions (that answer is found here: "Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies …").


The open southern border is a major national security crisis that is quite literally a ticking time bomb about to go off. It's also quickly morphing into a public health crisis.


Just wait until Democrats start pushing measles vaccines.


Or Stephen Colbert gets another advertising deal from big pharma.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 11:38 a.m. No.20562616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China is Now Building our FBI Offices Inside the U.S.?


The outrage over China’s covert police stations inside of America was quick and decisive. In October 2020, eight were indicted, five in the United States, three in China.


Indicting someone in China may seem pointless, but it has worked in the past where China may have dealt with those named publicly by the U.S. The Chinese police stations were part of “Fox Hunt”.


Operation Fox Hunt is the ongoing worldwide operation by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of China to hunt down dissidents and forcibly return them home for interrogation, imprisonment, and likely execution.


The pursuit phase of Fox Hunt reminded me of the early work in the Global War on Terror (GWOT) where we pursued Al-Qaeda operatives around the world and conducted rendition operations to black sites.


It starts out with a righteous anger but can soon spin out of control. We’re a nation of laws and constitutional framework with key tenets that can help get things right when they spin out of control (until recently).


The Chinese clone of GWOT has no boundaries. It appears our Department of Justice is working to shut down the CCP Fox Hunt Operation, but are they? Secretary of State Blinken just hosted the Chinese Director of Fox Hunt for a formal Dinner.


Why would he do that? Is Blinken trying to curry favor for a position after regime change? A disturbing assertion was brought to my attention.


Instead of us finding Chinese covert Fox Hunt Police Stations, is China now in the business of building our sensitive U.S. government facilities inside of America? This is like the inverse of us rooting out their police stations.


Why bother establishing a police station when you can just build the sensitive facilities for the American Government and fill them with all kinds of bugs, taps, and monitoring devices.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 11:40 a.m. No.20562624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2629 >>2641

‘A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin’ – Hillary Clinton


She took to social media after the presidential candidate and Hungarian PM Viktor Orban discussed the Ukraine conflict


Supporters of US presidential hopeful Donald Trump would be voting for Russian President Vladimir Putin, the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has claimed.


Clinton’s remark followed a meeting between the presumed Republican nominee and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Florida on Friday. After the talks that CNN sources described as “friendly”, Orban told the media that Trump had a “detailed plan” to end the conflict in Ukraine, which involved stopping US aid to Kiev.


“It’s becoming clearer every day: A vote for Trump is a vote for Team Putin,” Clinton, who run for Presidency twice as a democratic nominee, wrote on X (formerly Twitter).


The post also displays a photo of Trump and Orban shaking hands and features a caption “Trump will not give a penny to Ukraine – Hungary PM Orban.” The quote refers to the comments made by the latter in an interview to Hungarian broadcaster M1 broadcast on Sunday.


According to a readout from Trump’s campaign, the two politicians met “to discuss a wide range of issues affecting Hungary and the United States, including the paramount importance of strong and secure borders to protect the sovereignty of each nation.”


The Hungarian leader is seen by many in the West as an ally of Russia. Budapest has consistently called for a diplomatic solution to the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, as well as criticizing other Western nations for sending weapons to Ukraine. It has also maintained economic ties with Russia and called the EU sanctions against Moscow “counterproductive.”


Trump has repeatedly claimed on his campaign trail that, if he had remained in the White House for a second term, there would be no hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. If voted back in November, he promises to end the conflict “in 24 hours” by applying pressure on stakeholders.


The US President Joe Biden, who is also running for re-election, described the meeting between Orban and Trump as “worrying”, according to CNN. Orban did not meet Biden during his visit to the US.


On Tuesday, the Biden administration announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $300 million. The move comes as a bill that would provide $60 billion additional funds for Kiev remains blocked by Republican leaders in Congress.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 11:44 a.m. No.20562631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2636 >>2671 >>2733 >>2769

Video: Buttigieg ‘Husband’ Chasten Led Kids in Pride Flag Pledge


Chasten Buttigieg had kids at a gay grooming camp pledge their allegiance to LGBTism and the rainbow pride flag.


Recently resurfaced video footage shows that Chasten Buttigieg, the gay marriage “husband” of Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, led children in a pledge of allegiance to the rainbow pride flag at a camp meant to groom kids into the LGBT lifestyle.

The video footage originally aired as part of an Amazon Prime documentary, titled “Mayor Pete,” which followed Pete and Chasten Buttigieg and the Buttigieg campaign team around the country during Pete’s failed 2020 presidential campaign. In the footage, Chasten Buttigieg is seen standing in front of a group of children, at what he describes as a “not-so-typical gay camp,” as he leads them in a pledge to the gay pride flag. The pledge was a direct rip-off of America’s real Pledge of Allegiance, something that the left has fought to remove from schools for decades now.


Complimenting the video of Chasten Buttigieg leading children in a gay pride pledge of allegiance is the fact that the gay former mayor of College Park, Maryland, Patrick Wojahn, a close associate of the Buttigieg duo, was arrested last year on a massive amount of child sex charges, and later convicted.


On August 2nd, 2023, Wojahn pled guilty to 60 counts of distribution of child pornography, 40 counts of possession of child pornography, and 40 counts of possession of child pornography with the intent to distribute,


The Democrat pedophile Mayor, who had described Pete Buttigieg as his mentor and posted several photos of the pair to social media, was sentenced to 150 years in prison but had all but 30 of them suspended.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 11:53 a.m. No.20562665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2733 >>2769

Biden regime providing travel “loans” to illegals using nefarious UN migration scheme


As millions of American citizens struggle to make ends meet, the Biden regime is busy handing out "loans" to illegal alien migrants all around the world so they can travel to and enter the United States illegally.


A program of the United Nations (UN) IOM Migration Program, which works in partnership with the United States Refugee Admissions Program, the Biden regime is handing out U.S. taxpayer cash to illegal aliens at zero interest. Once in the U.S., these illegal aliens never have to pay back their "loans."


According to the program's website, the "penalty and interest-free loans" – which are not available to struggling American citizens, by the way – only require that illegals sign a promissory note prior to leaving their homelands promising to pay back the loan. Should they choose to never pay back the loans, there are no penalties attached.


"IOM arranges travel for refugees using funds furnished by the Department of State and is mandated to subsequently receive refugees' repayments on behalf of the Department of State," the website states, though again it is clearly stated on the same site that there are no penalties for non-payment.


"Repayments made are remitted to a revolving fund created between the Department of State and IOM for use by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) to defray the cost of future refugee travel."


Becoming illegal to gain benefits


Keep in mind that the U.S. Congress, comprised of both Democrats and Republicans, is responsible for funding this corrupt program using the hard-earned dollars of U.S. taxpayers.


"Why does the House fund these programs?" asked someone on X. "CALL your representatives and tell them to STOP funding the INVASION – make yourselves HEARD."


"How is this not treason?" asked another.


Another of the stated goals of the UN's IOM program, backed by U.S. taxpayers, is to protect illegals who arrive in America from being taken advantage of by "abusive and predatory lending markets for those without credit worthiness."


When the program first started back in 1958, there were actual repayments required of arriving refugees, this being one of the conditions of entry. Today, illegals are basically being handed out PPP "loans" like the kind offered during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" that never had to be repaid.


A growing number of American citizens wants to know how they, too, can become illegal in order to benefit from such programs, seeing as how there is now more money and benefits being offered to illegals than to citizens.


"Is there no limit to how criminal the American government is?" asked someone else on X.


"This is treacherous actions against U.S. citizens," said another. "Attempting to implement UN 'migration rights' with no respect for nation's sovereignty. End UN membership. Toss them out of the U.S. Lock down ALL borders."


Numerous others expressed confusion over how the elected leaders behind this program continue to operate lawlessly while "nobody does anything" about it.


"This is pure treachery and it has to be stopped," expressed another. "They are using taxpayer money to pay the way for illegals to get here."


Are there any such penalty-free, interest-free loans available to U.S. citizens, asked others? With inflation as sky-high as it is, many families could benefit from the free cash.


"Another reason NOT to extend the continuing resolution," said another, referring to the temporary funding measures to keep the government going amid another debt ceiling crisis.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.20562673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2733 >>2769

Sullivan Dismisses Reports That Say Biden is Considering Conditioning Aid to Israel If It Invades Rafah


Netanyahu said he will 'finish the job' in Rafah, which is packed with 1.5 million Palestinians


The White House announced on Tuesday that the US is sending a new $300 million arms package to Ukraine that includes more cluster bombs, which are notorious for killing and maiming civilians.


The arms package is the first for Ukraine to be announced since December 27, as the Pentagon has said it’s out of money to replenish weapons that have been sent to Ukraine, and Congress hasn’t authorized more. US officials claim that the new weapons package is being paid for using savings in the US Army’s budget.


White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced the package and said it was “assistance that Ukraine desperately needs to hold the line against Russian attacks and to push back against the continuing Russian onslaught in the east and in the east and other parts of Ukraine.”


Sullivan also pleaded for Congress to approve the $60 billion President Biden is seeking to fuel the proxy war in Ukraine for another year. “We have said repeatedly here in the briefing room, and President Biden said it to the entire nation in the State of the Union last week, that we cannot provide ongoing assistance to Ukraine without significantly impacting our military readiness absent congressional action,” he said.


According to Task & Purpose, the package includes a cluster bomb variant of 155mm artillery shells, known as dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM). The US first began shipping DPICMs to Ukraine last year as it is running low on the standard high explosive 155mm artillery rounds, which are also included in the arms package.


POLITICO reported that the new arms package also includes a cluster bomb variant of the Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMs), known as Anti-Personnel/Anti-Materiel (APAM) missiles, which have a range of about 100 miles. The US first sent APAMs to Ukraine last year but did not initially publicly disclose the shipment.


Cluster bombs spread small submunitions, known as bomblets, over a large area. They are so hazardous to civilians because many of the submunitions do not explode on impact and can be found years or decades later, often by children, as they have in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, where the US dropped hundreds of millions of bomblets during the Vietnam War.


Due to their indiscriminate nature, cluster bombs have been banned by over 100 countries. But the US, Ukraine, and Russia are not signatories to the treaty, known as the Convention on Cluster Munitions.


The Pentagon said the weapons package also includes Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) munitions for the HIMARS rocket systems, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, 105mm artillery shells, AT4 anti-tank weapons, demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing, and spare parts.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.20562709   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced on March 12 that it had struck two sites of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Syria’s southern region where members of Lebanon’s Hezbollah were operating.


In a statement, the IDF said that it “holds the Syrian regime accountable for all activities which take place within its territory and will not allow for any attempted actions which could lead to the entrenchment of Hezbollah on the Syrian front.”


The strikes were carried out after “precise intelligence which incriminated the infrastructure” were gathered, the IDF added.


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that two SAA sites in the area of Tell al-Ahmar in the countryside of al-Qunitra governorate were struck by the IDF.


Two non-Syrian nationals were killed in the Israeli strikes, the London-based monitoring group said in a report, adding that there is no evidence confirming that the casualties were members of Hezbollah. It is important to note that the group shared false information with regard to Israeli attacks on Syria on several occasions in the past.


The Israeli strikes came hours after Hezbollah fired more than a hundred “Katyusha” rockets from its heartland in southern Lebanon at the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights, targeting the headquarters of the Air and Missile Defense Command in Keila Barracks, the missile and artillery base in Yoav and several artillery sites.


Israel has significantly escalated its attacks on Syria since the outbreak of the war in the Gaza Strip, targeting mainly SAA sites and personnel of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hezbollah and other affiliated forces.


War-torn Syria has so far largely refrained from responding to Israel’s repeated attacks in order to avoid a dangerous confrontation.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.20562723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report Finds U.K. Media Bias in Israel/Gaza Reporting – Stop Falling for Their Propaganda.


A new report, which is the result of months of qualitative and quantitative analysis by researchers from the Centre for Media Monitoring (CFMM), has highlighted the UK media’s systematic bias in favour of Israel in its reporting on the Gaza situation. Arguably this, also shows that propaganda is still being used against the nation as an effective tool.


Propaganda which in Latin, means “to propagate” or “to sow”and in the most neutral sense, means to disseminate or promote particular ideas, has earned its bad name due to its use as a tool by repressive regimes to glorify their leaders, motivate their citizens and demonise their enemies. (source).


Put simply, “propaganda” is the term for the the “catch-all” for suspicious rhetoric and is “the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandists.”


The propagandists have been identified as “large organizations or groups” who aim “to win over the public for special interests through a massive orchestration […] and they “conceal both their purpose and lack of sound supporting reasons.” (source).

Usually though we have been able to easily identify the MSMs use of propaganda, the propagandists and the reasons behind its use.


This is particularly due to having experienced and observed the disseminated communication of lies, distortion, deceit, manipulation, mind control, and brainwashing that successfully shaped the perceptions of the masses during the Covid era and seeing usually rational people wearing facemasks and getting jabbed for a non existent virus.


Therefore, now it is remarkable that MSM still has that ability to effectively alter perceptions, but this time the biased propaganda is now it is doing a job on the individuals perception of the Israel/ Gaza situation and somehow they have convinced the masses that they are reporting truthfully for a change.


MSM however has been guilty of publishing “unverified” stories and even downright debunked lies and tropes all which are being repeated verbatim by the telly watching masses. Their reporting has been misleading and dangerous and can have grave consequences, according to Declassified UK who say that there has been a 365% increase in Islamophobic incidents in the UK since the 7th of October, with many involving people who are being targeted for their support of Palestine.


It seems absurd that the MSM are still able to skew perceptions in this way causing division and further polarisation within the nation. They have managed to convince the telly watchers that innocent people are the enemy and they are siding with those in power. WHY on earth are people allowing themselves to be lied to by still watching the telaLIEvison sets and reading the MSM newspapers?


The globalists, the warmongers and their soulless minions are the ones that benefit from propaganda which serves only to further their own agenda, certainly not the lives of the “useless eaters.” Enabling their continued use of their tool, their weapon of continued destruction, propaganda consumers are scoring own goals, batting for the wrong team and all similar analogies, meaning they are siding with the enemy!


It is not rational and neither is the advocating of the blanket bombing of innocent civilians, nor is it humane, yet some have been convinced it is.


This is as a result of the dangerous reporting. As is the MSM use of certain overly used tropes “The publishing of such content fuels the perception that opposition to Israel, especially from the Muslim community, is part of an inherent antisemitism that characterises Islamic values.” writes Hamza Ali Shah for Declassified UK. who has reported about the findings of the study below.



Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:20 p.m. No.20562740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2749 >>2753 >>2757

Belgian Nationalist Sentenced to a Year in Prison Over 'Hateful Memes' Shared in Private Group Chat


Belgian nationalist activist and former member of parliament Dries Van Langenhove was sentenced to one year in prison on Tuesday for being part of a private group chat seven years ago where people shared "racist" and "antisemitic" memes.


"Belgian nationalist activist and former member of parliament Dries Van Langenhove has just been sentenced to a year in prison, a 16,000 euro fine, and ten years of "deprived civil rights" which will mean he is barred from politics," Keith Woods reported on Twitter.


"His crime? He was in a private groupchat where offensive memes were posted," he added. "This is an absolute disgrace. Western regimes are reaching new levels of tyranny to suppress nationalism."

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.20562751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa compound in Ramadan raid under army protection


Hundreds of Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa holy site amid continued restrictions against Palestinians in the month of Ramadan.

Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem in their hundreds on Tuesday with the protection of the army, Anadolu Agency reports, as Palestinians marked the second day of Ramadan.


It comes amid Israeli restrictions on Palestinian Muslim worshippers trying to access the Jerusalem holy site during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan.


Far-right Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir recently urged tougher restrictions on Ramadan worship at the mosque, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the numbers admitted would be similar to last year.


Groups of settlers raided the compound on the second day of Ramadan, who were escorted by Israeli forces from the Al-Mugharbah Gate area, located to the mosque's west side, according to Palestinian news agency WAFA.


Around 275 settlers forcibly entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound earlier on Monday provoked by calls issued from extremist Jewish groups to increase its assaults during Ramadan, Wafa said.


The New Arab reported that Israeli police forces also barred hundreds of Palestinian Muslim worshippers from entering the compound on Sunday evening.


Some Palestinians who attempted to enter Al-Aqsa were faced with severe beatings as a large Israeli police force only permitted women and men aged over 40.


Under an agreement between Israel and Jordan, prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound is reserved for Muslims only although Jewish extremists regularly raid the site, often with military protection.

Despite limitations on access to Islam's third holiest site, nearly 35,000 Palestinians attended the mosque for taraweeh prayers on Monday, which was the second evening of Ramadan.


The taraweeh prayer is an optional prayer that is performed during Ramadan month following the final set of prayers of Isha.


Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said on Monday that the Israeli restrictions on access to the mosque compound during the Muslim fasting month was pushing the situation towards an "explosion".


Safadi said his country, which overviews the holy site, rejected Israel's announced move to limit access during Ramadan, citing security needs with war raging in Gaza.


"We warn that desecrating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque is playing with fire," Safadi said in a joint news conference with the Vatican's foreign minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher.


"Not allowing worshippers to perform their religious duties and their rituals in this holy month and restricting freedom to enter the Aqsa mosque, all that pushes torwards an explosive situation which is what we are warning about," Safadi added.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:24 p.m. No.20562754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

War on Gaza: Israel has killed over 400 people waiting for aid in Gaza


At least 11 Palestinians were killed in Gaza City on Tuesday in the latest attack on aid seekers


Israel has killed more than 400 Palestinians as they wait for aid deliveries, with 11 aid seekers killed on Tuesday in Gaza City, said the government media office in Gaza.


Residents of Gaza City, north of the besieged enclave, were waiting for aid around the Kuwait roundabout when they were targeted by tanks positioned in the area.


At least 25 people were also wounded the attack, paramedics from al-Shifa Hospital told Al Jazeera.


The killings are the latest in a spate of attacks on civilians during attempted aid deliveries, even as the US pushes for more humanitarian assistance for the enclave. Over 100 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more wounded last week when Israeli forces fired at an aid convoy in Gaza City's al-Rasheed Street.


The incident has since been dubbed the "Flour Massacre", as residents of Gaza City were seeking flour and other food in an area that has been completely cut off from aid by Israeli forces.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:25 p.m. No.20562761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2769 >>2776

Mississippi SOS Warns Biden Is Registering Illegal Aliens to Vote with Executive Order


Mississippi’s Republican Secretary of State Michael Watson is raising the alarm after discovering that Democrat President Joe Biden’s executive order is registering ineligible convicts and illegal aliens to vote.


Watson has sent a letter to Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) asking it to stop enforcing the executive order.


In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Watson wrote:


“As you are aware, on March 7, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order No. 14019 which sought to turn the Department of Justice agencies from their historical missions of law enforcement to voter registration and get-out-the-vote operations.


“These efforts are an intrusion into state matters and are a misuse of federal revenue and resources.

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:30 p.m. No.20562767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former South Carolina Police Chief to be Sentenced in Sextortion Scheme

Anonymous ID: 5ad8fe March 13, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20562773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Mayorkas is a member of the board of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which is funnelling millions of migrants into the US)