Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 9:34 a.m. No.20562166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2169

>>20562100 (pb)


Haiti situation does not seem organic at all.


"Barbecue", the former policeman who united 12 Haitian street gangs and took over the majority of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti's capital city, announced he was inspired by Jesuit coadjutor Papa Doc Duvalier and has been photographed wearing a gold Freemasonic Square and Compass medallion necklace.


He organized two jailbreaks on the same day.


And let's not forget the president of Haiti was assassinated in 2021 leaving a power vaccuum for just this type of event we see today. A former DEA informant admitted to helping plot assassination of Jovenel Moïse and is among 11 people accused.


The gunmen had reportedly masqueraded as DEA agents at the time of the attack, though the DEA later said Vincent and another Haitian American, James Solages, had not been acting on behalf of the agency.


Papacy seems involved, of course as always it seems with "3rd world nations"


"However, the beginning of the end for the Duvalier regime came in the early 1980s, when Ronald Reagan became US President and promised to restore democracy in America's 'backdoor'.


When Pope John Paul II visited the island in 1983, he announced that 'things must change here'.


Three years later, with the island in the grip of a revolution, Baby Doc and his wife accepted American help of safe passage into exile.


Baby Doc drove his BMW into the hold of a cargo plane, which took him and his wife to France.


He reportedly had $900million of stolen funds with him.


Avenging Haitians armed with machetes hunted down the fleeing Tonton Macoutes.


Shortly after their arrival in France, financial investigators raided their luxurious villa and caught Michele trying to flush her shopping log-book down the toilet.


The book showed her latest purchases, which included Givenchy clothes worth $168,780, Boucheron jewellery valued at $270,200, $68,500 for a Hermes clock, and $9,752 for two horse-saddles for their children, Anya and Francois Nicolas.


The couple divorced in 1990, with Baby Doc citing her 'immoral' behaviour in the suit.


After Haiti's devastating earthquake in 2010, Baby Doc made a dramatic return to the country, declaring he would help with its reconstruction.


However, he passed away from a heart attack in 2014 at the age of 63.


The New York-based Human Rights Watch estimated that up to 30,000 Haitians were killed, many by execution, under the regime of the two Duvaliers.


Baby Doc is seen watching from a balcony at the Hotel Karibe in Port-au-Prince in 2011, after he returned to the country following the devastating earthquake in 2010.


Baby Doc is seen watching from a balcony at the Hotel Karibe in Port-au-Prince in 2011, after he returned to the country following the devastating earthquake in 2010


Gang leader Cherizier has claimed responsibility for the latest wave of violence to grip the country.


The former elite police officer is now the boss of a feared federation of gangs called the 'G-9 Family and Allies', formed around 2020 and thought to be better armed than the country's official police force.


Cherizier describes his men as a 'revolutionary force' which aims to wipe out the bourgeoisie and improve conditions for the poor, but his reign of violence has seen mass killings in some of Haiti's most poverty-stricken areas.


He also admits to taking inspiration from Papa Doc.


'I was born next door to La Saline. I live in the ghetto. I know what ghetto life is,' he told AP.


He said he got the nickname Barbecue as a child because his mother was a street vendor who sold fried chicken, not because he is accused of setting people on fire."

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 9:45 a.m. No.20562193   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Here's one




Fmr. Intel Chair

@RepAdamSchiff (D-Calif.) says he hopes the intelligence community will “dumb down” Trump’s briefings once he claims the nomination.


Schiff: “We can’t trust that he will do the right thing” with classified information revealing sources and methods.


Embedded video

2:10 PM · Mar 10, 2024




Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 9:55 a.m. No.20562225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368



One thing that reassures me regarding any future Soros riots or color revolution fuckery in US was the striking lack of them after Roe v Wade was overturned, as if their forces had been diminished.


Either or they chose not to cause a scene for whatever reason at that moment.

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 10:17 a.m. No.20562312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2419 >>2487 >>2592 >>2733 >>2769

Haiti has trillions of dollars’ worth of natural gas, but the West doesn’t allow it to prosper

Haiti holds immense wealth, including quality gold, copper, gas and mineral deposits. Large deposits of glittering white calcium carbonate are also present. Overall, Haiti sits on a pool of wealth. Yet, the country is among the world's poorest nations. Why?

Nov 2, 2022


The month of October was quite stormy for the people of Haiti as thousands of people in the crisis-torn nation took to the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince, against the government’s decision to seek foreign military assistance to quell gang-related violence.


The protesters have declared that they are not happy with the current government which is essentially backed by the west. The demonstrators demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who had asked international partners for “the immediate deployment of a specialised armed force, in sufficient quantity” to stop the “criminal actions” of armed gangs across the country. This voice of dissent was crushed by the police. Several people were shot and one person was reportedly killed during the police firings. So, one could easily understand that the condition of the nation is unquestionably really volatile.


Meddlers enter the spectrum!


The UN and the US intervened to defend Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s action against the protesters. Ariel is regarded as a pro-Western leader as he has Western backing.


According to reports, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his support for the Haitian government and advocated for the swift arrival of a special international force. The ambassador of Haiti to the US also suggested that the US and Canada take the initiative in constructing a force to combat Haitian “gangs”.


You see, Western forces have always held onto Haiti.


Back in history, Haiti was made into a slave nation during the French Revolution, and subsequently, it was divided into two. The nations were later unified, but the abject poverty made it apparent that the country never truly prospered.


During its first century of independence, Haiti was plagued by political instability, isolation from the rest of the world, and a burdensome debt owed to France. The United States invaded the nation from 1915 to 1934 as a result of political unrest.


Haiti welcomed the 21st century with coup d’état which was orchestrated by the US and that in turn prompted the U.N. intervention. Also, Haiti got hit by a catastrophic earthquake, killing over 250,000 people, which worsened the whole situation further.


No chance to prosper!


These all incidents have altogether impoverished Haiti into an era of darkness despite the fact Haiti has a bed of natural resources beneath its blanket of poverty.


According to a recent study, Haiti possesses some of the greatest oil reserves in the world. According to estimates, the oil reserves could be greater than that of Venezuela’s. It is predicted that its untapped reserves could include up to 941 million barrels of crude oil and 1.2 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.


Furthermore, the nation is thought to have gold deposits worth about $20 billion. But, sadly companies such as Majescor Resources from Canada have a major say in the usage of this gold. Haiti also has considerable deposits of metals like copper and stones like limestone and marble. Despite this, Haiti has zero say in using most of its natural resources due to interference by Western powers like USA and Canada.

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.20562340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2359

Another house blown to bits


An 89-year-old man and an 87-year-old woman were killed when their house exploded and caught on fire in Pennsylvania


"The whole lot was just completely leveled," a witness said.

ByEmily Shapiro

March 13, 2024, 12:36 PM


The victims were identified as David Mitchell Jr. and Helen Mitchell, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office said.


The explosion in Crescent Township, just outside of Pittsburgh, was reported at 8:54 a.m. Tuesday, local officials said.


The home was completely leveled by the blast, and the fire was throughout the house's foundation and along the hillside, authorities said.


"We all felt and heard the explosion," Allegheny County Division Fire Chief Andrew Tomer said at a news conference. "You could feel it in your chest."


No injuries were reported, Tomer said.


"When the explosion happened, I thought either a truck hit our building or something happened within our factory," John Bundy, who works at a factory in the area, told ABC News. "We saw, like, a mushroom cloud explosion."

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.20562372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2394 >>2419 >>2487 >>2592 >>2733 >>2769

How West Virginia’s Mac Warner Is Fighting The ‘Worst Election Interference’ In U.S. History


M.D. Kittle, March 12th, 2024

Ensuring the integrity of West Virginia’s elections is part of Mac Warner’s job, but the secretary of state has been just as zealous about protecting national elections from unfair meddling.


Now in his second term as the Mountain State’s top election official, Warner has cleaned up West Virginia’s bloated voter rolls and severed the state’s ties with leftist-linked voter roll groups. Even political opponents have credited Warner, who is running for governor as a Republican, with being “vigilant” to make West Virginia elections “very secure.”


Warner, 69, has also crusaded against federal intelligence agencies’ meddling in the controversial 2020 presidential election — an election the conservative unabashedly asserts was “stolen by the CIA.” Such statements have earned him the ire of corporate media outlets, which, as dutiful public-relations agents for the Democrat Party, have dubbed the secretary of state an “election denier.”


“Secretary Warner’s work on election integrity and security has set the example for what is needed right now across this entire country,” Ret. Lt. General Michael Flynn, war hero and former national security adviser for President Donald Trump, said in endorsing Warner in West Virginia’s 2024 GOP primary race for governor. Flynn, in case you’re scoring along at home, had his life and reputation ripped apart by Democrats and their allies in the deep state and accomplice media as part of their Russia-collusion hoax.


Calling Out the ‘Worst Election Interference’ in U.S. History


Warner has been the rare voice among his peers in vehemently calling out the Big Brother censorship operation known as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).


“When we have our own federal agencies lying to the American people, that’s the most insidious thing that we can do in elections,” Warner told officials from the FBI and CISA on a panel at the February meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) in Washington, D.C., according to Wired’s Eric Geller. While Geller did his best to defend the federal agency — under the suggestive headline, “How a Right-Wing Controversy Could Sabotage US Election Security” — its history of censorship and election interference validate Warner’s concern.


CISA, as The Federalist has extensively reported, was established in 2018 to ostensibly “protect ‘critical infrastructure’ and guard against cybersecurity threats.” It moved into the nefarious business of information management by partnering with Big Tech to silence speech that it deemed to be “disinformation,” “misinformation,” or the Orwellian-sounding “malinformation.” CISA labored behind the scenes to censor those who questioned everything from the administration of the 2020 elections to the government’s iron-fisted handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Warner spoke out against the agency and the federal intelligence apparatus in late December during a West Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidates debate. He was, of course, vilified by the usual suspects for asserting the Covid-tainted 2020 election was “rigged.”


“The election was stolen,” Warner said, “and it was stolen by the CIA.”


more at

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 10:46 a.m. No.20562453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How did Ecuador go from an “island of peace” to a “failed state”?


Haiti same template?


March 10, 2024 at 12:00

An article from Amerika21


Despite its eventful republican political life, there has never been a situation in Ecuador's history like the one the country is currently experiencing. Organized crime gangs have attempted a “narco coup.” How could the country end up in this situation? And what role does the USA play in this?


By Juan J. Paz y Miño Cepeda .




Organized crime gangs, whose actions have been increasing for years, carried out terrorist actions in various cities in mid-January. Fear and uncertainty spread. The population felt threatened, locked themselves at home, had to work from home and school lessons were suspended. The images of burning cars, bombs, shootings, hostage-taking and the takeover of a television station circulated on the networks and were featured in the news. A “narco-coup” was attempted, as Professor Jorge Vicente Paladines correctly noted . How could a small South American country, until recently considered an “island of peace,” end up in this situation?


There are several factors that contribute to understanding Ecuador's new realities.


First of all, I would like to highlight the triumph of the neoliberal economic model. Its central features were defined in the last decades of the 20th century, with governments subordinate to private interests and transnational capital. Its application was interrupted between 2007 and 2017 by the social economy model promoted by the government of Rafael Correa. However, it was revived under Lenín Moreno (2017-2021) and deepened under Guillermo Lasso (2021-2023). With Lasso, the model took on oligarchic features. As in the last decades of the 20th century, living, social and labor conditions only worsened.


Under the credo of streamlining the state, government spending and investments fell, existing infrastructure was neglected and in several cases collapsed, and public services were dismantled. This had a negative impact on education, healthcare and social security. The data from Cepal, IMF, World Bank, United Nations Development Program, ILO as well as national reports and statistics prove this. What opportunities do the 70 percent of Ecuador's working population who are poor, unemployed and underemployed have to survive without any attention from the government? State or the private sector?


Moreno also launched the persecution of Correism, destroying any legacy left by the previous president. The institutions were dismantled . The Ministry of Justice (which managed the prisons), the Ministry of Security Coordination and the National Council for Narcotic Drugs Control were abolished to reduce the budget deficit. These three agencies were merged into a single ministry - the Interior Ministry - and their respective budgets were drastically cut, while the prisons came under the control of gangs that competed for power, directed operations outside the prisons and sought control of territory were.


MUCH more at;

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 10:56 a.m. No.20562478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There's a Surprisingly Simple Way to Remove Microplastics From Your Drinking Water


05 March 2024 By DAVID NIELD


Tiny fragments of microplastics are making their way deep inside our bodies in concerning quantities, significantly through our food and drink.


Scientists have now found a simple and effective means of removing them from water.


A team from Guangzhou Medical University and Jinan University in China ran tests on both soft water and hard tap water (which is richer in minerals), adding in nanoplastics and microplastics (NMPs) before boiling the liquid and then filtering out any precipitates.

In some cases, up to 90 percent of the NMPs were removed by the boiling and filtering process, though the effectiveness varied based on the type of water. Of course the big benefit is that most people can do it using what they already have in their kitchen.


"This simple boiling water strategy can 'decontaminate' NMPs from household tap water and has the potential for harmlessly alleviating human intake of NMPs through water consumption," write the researchers in their published paper.


A greater concentration of NMPs was removed from samples of hard tap water, which naturally forms a build-up of limescale (or calcium carbonate) as it is heated. Commonly seen inside kitchen kettles, the chalky substance forms on the plastic's surface as changes in temperature force the calcium carbonate out of solution, effectively trapping the plastic fragments in a crust.


Even in soft water, where less calcium carbonate is dissolved, roughly a quarter of the NMPs were snagged from the water. Any bits of lime-encrusted plastic could then be removed through a simple filter like the stainless steel mesh used to strain tea, the researchers say.


Past studies have measured fragments of polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyethylene terephthalate in potable tap water, which we're consuming daily in varying quantities. To put the strategy to the ultimate test, the researchers added even more nanoplastic particles, which were effectively reduced in number.


"Drinking boiled water apparently is a viable long-term strategy for reducing global exposure to NMPs," write the researchers. "Drinking boiled water, however, is often regarded as a local tradition and prevails only in a few regions."


The research team is hoping that drinking boiled water might become a more widespread practice as plastics continue to take over the world.


While it's still not certain exactly how damaging this plastic is to our bodies, it's clearly not the healthiest of snacks. Plastics have already been linked to changes in the gut microbiome and the body's antibiotic resistance.


The team behind this latest study now wants to see more research into how boiled water could keep artificial materials out of our bodies – and perhaps counter some of the alarming effects of microplastics that are emerging.


"Our results have ratified a highly feasible strategy to reduce human NMP exposure and established the foundation for further investigations with a much larger number of samples," write the researchers.

The research has been published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters.


Hotlinks & More at:

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 11:18 a.m. No.20562557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592 >>2733 >>2769



Perhaps on or around September 13, 2023 assuming this tweet was put out recent to the video. If you watch on slow speed you will briefly see the tweet date. First 15 seconds or so.

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.20562650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2733 >>2769

Darkweb drugs site Incognito Market threatens to out users who paid in crypto


7:34 PM • Mar 12, 2024 Crime, Darknet, Incognito Marketby Protos Staff


Incognito Market, a darknet platform connecting sellers of illicit substances to potential customers, was suspected of pulling an exit scam earlier this month.


Not satisfied with stealing users’ crypto deposits, however, the admin upped the ante by extorting their former user base via sensitive order information, which they claim to have harvested “over the years.”


Darknet markets are used to buy drugs anonymously online and are often believed to offer a safer experience and more reliable product than in-person interactions. However, exit scams are relatively commonplace.


Worries about Incognito Market began to circulate last week when users were unable to withdraw bitcoin and monero (a privacy-focused cryptocurrency) from the platform. Initial efforts to explain away the issue as technical issues were later dropped.


The simple exit scam took a more sinister turn when Incognito Market’s homepage was replaced with a message announcing a ‘nasty surprise,’ leaving users in no doubt: “YES, THIS IS AN EXTORTION ! ! !”


🚨BREAKING🚨Pharoah, the Incognito Market admin, has posted the following extortion message. It remains to be seen if someone will call his bluff. However, if he dumps information on 557k orders that users made.. this will go down as the largest leak in Darknet Market history, by…


— Dark Web Informer (@DarkWebInformer) March 9, 2024

Read more: Buying darkweb drugs with crypto still a risk — even if you leave a review


The message states that sensitive information will be published at the end of May, including “private messages, transaction info, and order details.” It contains a thinly veiled threat that “if anything were to leak to law enforcement, I guess nobody never slipped up.”


Over half a million order details and 862,000 crypto transaction IDs are supposedly at stake.


Depending on their ‘level,’ vendors must pay between $100 and $20,000 to protect their data, with prices doubling on April 1. Buyers will supposedly be able to remove their records “in a few weeks.”


Hinting that the auto-encrypt feature on their site was not to be trusted, the site may have accumulated the sensitive info via a man-in-the-middle attack. Additionally, given Incognito Market states that ‘expired’ information was never deleted, trusting that a payment will lead to records being scrubbed seems somewhat naive.


‘Double whammy’


Cybercrime expert Brian Krebs compares Incognito Market’s scheme to that of ransomware groups that regularly hack into corporations.


After obtaining sensitive customer data, the hackers demand payment, usually in bitcoin, first for a digital key needed to unlock infected systems and then again to secure a promise that any stolen data will not be published or sold, and will be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.20562734   🗄️.is 🔗kun


HR7521 - The TikTok Ban Law (as written) is NOT About Banning TikTok, It’s About Information Control- pdf Included


March 12, 2024 | Sundance | 342 Comments


I swear by all that I know to be righteous and accurate, the combined willpower of the UniParty in Washington DC is not targeting TikTok from the perspective of concern over data collection. Instead, the DC system -which is to say the USIC- is using the auspices of TikTok to expand the reach of government censorship and control information.


This is a domestic information space battle, using the guise of TikTok as a baseline for justification. How do we know? You only need to look at the mechanism of the law as it is written, the compliance section, and the definitions they are using to see they are not targeting data collection. [pdf of HR7521 up top, see Page 8]


If TikTok data collection was the issue, the law would be structured to ban foreign data collection. That’s not what this is. This is a law written to give the Executive Branch the power to define any platform as “foreign owned” by the service provider (even if domestic) and the substance of the content contained and/or distributed. This has to be stopped.


Read the law as written through the prism of “Information Control,” not the prism of data collection. The law is designed to control information, not data collection.


As readers are well aware, the USIC is in alignment (I would say control) with almost all U.S-based social media platforms. This is why/how DHS is operating in synergy with those same systems. This is also the motive behind the mis-dis-mal-information definitions. Ultimately, if you stand back and look at what is being done, you see the concern of the U.S. government is not data collection, its information control.


The TikTok ban, authorized by a duplicious Legislative branch, is expanding the ability of the Executive branch to control information. Just as The Patriot Act was not about targeting terrorism, but really about domestic surveillance; so too is the TikTok ban not about foreign data collection, it’s about information control.


Again, read the law as written and you can clearly see this is a law created to authorize the agencies of the government to control information. Silence is the same as consent in the face of oppression. Do not be silent.

Anonymous ID: 5e5b3a March 13, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20562776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2783




Known clickbait and repeatedly sauceless outlet, here's one from Fox News (much better, I know!)