Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 9:31 a.m. No.20562143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2419 >>2487 >>2592 >>2733 >>2769

13 Mar, 2024 14:01

‘A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin’ – (Authoritarian Wicked Witch of the North, South, East and West PANICS) Hillary Clinton

She took to social media after the presidential candidate and Hungarian PM Viktor Orban discussed the Ukraine conflict


Supporters of US presidential hopeful Donald Trump would be voting for Russian President Vladimir Putin, the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has claimed.


Clinton’s remark followed a meeting between the presumed Republican nominee and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Florida on Friday.


After the talks that CNN sources described as “friendly”, Orban told the media that Trump had a “detailed plan” to end the conflict in Ukraine, which involved stopping US aid to Kiev. (I guess no one can have friendly talks these days)


“It’s becoming clearer every day: A vote for Trump is a vote for Team Putin,” Clinton, who run for Presidency twice as a democratic nominee, wrote on X (formerly Twitter).


The post also displays a photo of Trump and Orban shaking hands and features a caption “Trump will not give a penny to Ukraine – Hungary PM Orban.” The quote refers to the comments made by the latter in an interview to Hungarian broadcaster M1 broadcast on Sunday.


According to a readout from Trump’s campaign, the two politicians met “to discuss a wide range of issues affecting Hungary and the United States, including the paramount importance of strong and secure borders to protect the sovereignty of each nation.”


The Hungarian leader is seen by many in the West as an ally of Russia. Budapest has consistently called for a diplomatic solution to the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, as well as criticizing other Western nations for sending weapons to Ukraine. It has also maintained economic ties with Russia and called the EU sanctions against Moscow “counterproductive.”


Trump has repeatedly claimed on his campaign trail that, if he had remained in the White House for a second term, there would be no hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. If voted back in November, he promises to end the conflict “in 24 hours” by applying pressure on stakeholders.


The US President Joe Biden, who is also running for re-election, described the meeting between Orban and Trump as “worrying”, according to CNN. Orban did not meet Biden during his visit to the US.


On Tuesday, the Biden administration announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $300 million. The move comes as a bill that would provide $60 billion additional funds for Kiev remains blocked by Republican leaders in Congress.

Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 9:32 a.m. No.20562150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Georgia judge overseeing 2020 election case dismisses some charges against Trump

The judge said three of the charges against Trump must be quashed.

Updated: March 13, 2024 10:41am


The Fulton County judge overseeing the Georgia 2020 election case dismissed some charges against former President Donald Trump on Wednesday, although other charges remain.


Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said six charges listed in the indictment must be quashed, including three counts against Trump, per court documents. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges in the case.


"As written, these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes but fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission, i.e., the underlying felony solicited," McAfee wrote in his decision.


Trump and 18 others were charged with 41 counts related to an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election in the former president's favor. Trump was charged on 13 counts, so most of the charges remain intact with McAfee's ruling.


Meanwhile,McAfee is expected to rule this week on whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and special counsel Nathan Wade should be disqualifiedfrom the case over their romantic relationship and allegations that they benefited financially from the situation.


(I think Kemp and Carr got to him, why release this info now, when’s he’s supposed to report on Friday on whether this continues. He’s telling the public he’s not going to shut down the big scam; or punish the criminals.)

Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 10:18 a.m. No.20562315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2419 >>2487 >>2592 >>2733 >>2769

12 Mar, 2024 22:19

Macron ‘panicked’ over leaked Ukraine reports – Marianne

A series of classified documents has debunked Western narratives about Kiev’s battlefield prospects


French President Emmanuel Macron’s talk about maybe sending troops to aid Kiev may have been spurred by three assessments produced by the French military that painted a dire picture of the Ukraine conflict, according to the magazine Marianne.


The reports, which have somehow found their way into the weekly’s possession, argued that Ukraine wrecked its Western-trained force in the failed 2023 offensive, has run out of men to mobilize, and that its recent loss in Avdeevka shows it can’t even hold the line against Russia.


“Ukraine cannot win this war militarily,” concludes the first report, written in the fall of 2023, following Kiev’s disastrous ground offensive. It praises the Russian forces as the new “tactical and technical” standard of how to run defensive operations and debunks the media myth of “meat assaults.”


For the West to continue pursuing a military solution in Ukraine would be “the most serious error of analysis and judgment,” the classified document said, according to Marianne. Sending French troops to Ukraine would be “unreasonable,” one senior officer wrote.


Make no mistake, up against the Russians, we are an army of cheerleaders!” he added. (KEK)


The second report, outlining the prospects for 2024, says that Kiev needs 35,000 men per month but is “recruiting less than half” of that number, while Russia enlists 30,000 volunteers monthly.


Meanwhile, the 2023 offensive “tactically destroyed” half of Kiev’s 12 combat brigades.


The West can provide 3D printers to manufacture drones or loitering munitions, but will never be able to print men,” the report said.


One solution it advised was sending Western troops to Ukraine to carry out support tasks in the rear, freeing the Ukrainians for frontline duty. The second report also acknowledged the Western special forces and “soldiers in civilian clothes” had a far greater presence in Ukraine than officially acknowledged, including “quite a few British,” as well as French naval commandos training the Ukrainians.


The third and latest report, which had the French observers “in cold sweat,” described the Battle of Avdeevka as a possible “rout” of Ukrainian forces.


It described how Russia created “hell” for the Ukrainian troops by using massive glide bombs to inflict more than 1,000 casualties per day. The French document also described the Ukrainian retreat on February 17 as “sudden and unprepared.”


At the end of February, Macron made an argument to NATO members that all options for helping Ukraine should be “on the table,” implying the possibility of sending ground troops. The idea was publicly repudiated by most members of the US-led bloc, however.

Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 10:27 a.m. No.20562360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2419 >>2459 >>2487 >>2592 >>2733 >>2769

13 Mar, 2024 16:42

NATO has secret agenda for troops in Ukraine – Russia

All the talk of sending ground forces is really about partitioning the country, Maria Zakharova has said


The reason French President Emmanuel Macron has brought up the idea of sending NATO soldiers into Ukraine is thatmembers of the US-led bloc are plotting to divide up the country, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.


Macron first suggested that no option should be off the table two weeks ago, but was publicly disavowed by most NATO members. He has since argued that France might send its own soldiers should Russia “break through to Kiev or Odessa.”


“All these statements that Macron and other NATO politicians make, about the possibility of introducing contingents or some kind of paramilitary units into the territory of Ukraine,are related to the partition of what they see as the remnants of Ukraine,” Zakharova said at a press briefing in Moscow.


Territorial aspirations help explain why Kiev has not been invited to join the bloc yet, Zakharova argued. This would require all NATO members to recognize Ukraine’s borders, and not all of them are willing to do so, she added.


They are ready to occupy and partition Ukraine.

The “moral preparation” of the population in both NATO countries and Ukraine is already underway, Zakharova said, with some politicians speaking about such an outcome openly.


“All this is happening, as usual with NATO members, under a false flag. They talk about countering Russia, but are in fact starting to divide the remains of Ukraine between themselves,” she said, adding that this should serve as a warning to those who “entrust their fate to NATO.”


As for Paris, Zakharova said, French troops invaded Russia in the early 19th century and again in the early 20th.“France would do well to remember how that ended.”


Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia in June 1812, with close to 700,000 French and allied troops. Six months later, fewer than 100,000 men staggered back across the Niemen River.


The second French expedition is less well known, because it was much more modest and somewhat shorter. In December 1918, Some 15,000 French soldiers landed in southern Russia as part of an Entente intervention against the Bolshevik revolutionaries. After multiple losses to the Red Army, the French expedition departed in April 1919.


(This makes sense, Russia’s territory will be there’s again after the war, Poland has already put bids on the territories on Poland’s border, Major corporations have moved in and set up GMO AG, and purchased 1,000s of acres of land, the West has dibs on the money laundering operation that they will continue, CIA has 12 bases in Ukraine, and I’m sure old Boris has dibs on many, many money making endeavors.)

Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 10:49 a.m. No.20562459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2487 >>2592 >>2733 >>2769


13 Mar, 2024 03:30

Polish troops would never leave Ukraine – Putin

Warsaw covets its “historic lands,” the Russian president has claimed


Any attempt to send Polish troops into Ukraine could end in a long-term occupation, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned in an extensive interview with journalist Dmitry Kiselyov, set to be aired by the Russia 1 TV broadcaster and RIA Novosti on Wednesday.


“If Polish troops enter the territory of Ukraine in order to, as they say, secure the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, for example, or in some other places to free up Ukrainian rear military units to participate in hostilities on the front line, then I think that Polish troops will never leave,” Putin said, according to excerpts from the interview.


The deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine amid the conflict with Russia is “not unthinkable,” Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski claimed last week. He was commenting on a statement by French President Emmanuel Macron, who said late last month that he “cannot exclude” the possibility of soldiers from the US-led military bloc being sent to aid Kiev.


Putin believes thatPolish officials dream of returning “those lands that they consider historically their own, and which were taken from them by… Joseph Stalin, and transferred to Ukraine.”


“They certainly want them back. So if official Polish units enter there, they are unlikely to leave,” he claimed.


(Proof Poland has had dibs on Ukraine territory for decades, plus the Polish don't like Ukrainians, they will certainly be part of the divvying up the country)

Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 10:52 a.m. No.20562466   🗄️.is 🔗kun



fascinating this Faith outreach at churches is brilliant, because NO LEFTIES go to church, except maybe Satanist church. Ralph Reed is doing a great campaign, so I guess others will join him.

Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 11:14 a.m. No.20562535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lindell NEW INFO revealed a month or so ago,they are resubmitting the lawsuit that MANY HIGH UP in the gov new about the rigged election. Chris Krebs involved of course

Anonymous ID: a3d52f March 13, 2024, 11:24 a.m. No.20562578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592 >>2733 >>2769

Buck Passes – Representative Ken Buck Announces He Quits, Effective Next Week

March 12, 2024 | Sundance |


Assuming that Ken Buck did not get tapped on the shoulder by the USIC for zipper problems, a rather substantial assumption all things considered, perhaps the Colorado representative just wanted to give his UniParty allies a pre-election day assist at flipping the House. [Source Link]


Fox News – Colorado U.S. Representative Ken Buck announced on Tuesday that he we will resign from the House by the end of next week. […] Buck has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since November 2014 and is currently assigned to the House Judiciary Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee.Buckwas also one of three House Republicans whoopposed the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.


Buck previously announced he was not running for another term. His resignation will squeeze the GOP’s majority even more. The breakdown will be 431 members with 218 Republicans and 213 Democrats. Now, the GOP will only be able to lose two votes of their own on any given issue. (read more)


In related news, the people around Joe Biden have submitted their fiscal year 2025 budget proposal to congress. [pdf here] The ridiculous spending request is $7.3 trillion, that’s TRILLION, which is $1 trillion more than this year. While jaws are agape at the insanity of such a spending proposal [NPR outline], let me remind everyone that thepeople behind Biden fully expect a Central Bank Digital Currency to pave the way for unlimited spending.


The global cleaving has a purpose and benefit that is much larger than just eliminating the dollar as a lesser value trade currency.Digital money can be valued and/or devalued by those who express “full faith and credit”in the same institutions that manufacture jobs, GDP and inflation data…. all of which determine national value.


Just as they define the new “western democracy,” so too can they define the value of the leader nation in the new “western democracy.”Hail Hydra!


Feel better now Comrades?…Let’s Go Trump!