Anonymous ID: 33f3af March 13, 2024, 2:33 p.m. No.20563115   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mar 10, 2018 2:29:24 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ff7ea4 No. 614493

Keep the resignation LIST UPDATED.


Keep the graphics updated.




People are still leaving DC - what's the buzz?

Anonymous ID: 33f3af March 13, 2024, 2:45 p.m. No.20563160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3174 >>3301

Reading Roger Stone's book on LBJ and how Stone thinks LBJ was the main push behind the JFK assasination.


  1. LBJ made JFK and Bill Clinton look like choir boys in comparison. He was rotten to the core.


  1. LBJ and his supporters solved many "issue" with murder and for the most part, got away with it.


  1. JFK and RFK pissed off the Mafia and the CIA. Joe Kennedy (father) made big deals with them and RFK, especially, had almost violent arguments with the old man. The old man was in their debt, and RFK did not want to play along.


  1. The DC rumor mill pretty much took it as fact, that LBJ was not to be on the ticket for 1964, and that RFK would unleash the dogs on Lyndon for his continuing bad acts in his quest to retain power. According to Stone, LBJ had the biggest motive to kill JFK, and it is possible the CIA and Mafia cooperated to send a strong signal to RFK to get off their back. RFK was killed a few years later as he tried to get back into power and finish the job he started when JFK was prez and he was AG.


I am assuming that the CIA was or became a more overt rouge institution due to the Kennedy brothers. IMO, their clandestine acts of self preservation continue through this day. Trump needs to be very, very careful dealing with the spooks.

Anonymous ID: 33f3af March 13, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.20563301   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, yeah, forgot.


According to a couple of the assasination researchers, there was a partial fingerprint found in the 6th floor Texas School Books sniper nest and fingerprint experts have matched that partial to a known LBJ henceman and enforcer.


According to a British documentary on the JFK assasination, Oswald's mistress (yes, he had one as well) was told by Oswald, that he knew something was going down and he was to be the patsy. Oswald and mistress were associated with ongoing CIA ops (targeting Castro) and Lee said he was going to try to stop the assasination if he could. Obviously, he failed on both counts. He didn't stop the event, and he couldn't explain his way out of the patsy frame job before Ruby silenced him.


After the fact, LBJ told Hoover and Warren that "for the good of the country" Oswald was the man and no other explanation for the assasination was to be considered, except for the lone nutjob gunman.


LBJ was situated perfectly to shut down all alternative investigations into the event.