Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 12:40 p.m. No.20562798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2822 >>2938 >>2993 >>3184 >>3283 >>3396

Big Pharma and Its Bloomberg News, Annenberg Center and Harvard University Shills Adjust the Covid Vax Coverup and Advance the Displacement of Reality


As I reported recently, now that it can no longer be denied that the Covid “vaccine” causes death and a large variety of serious health effects, Big Pharma and its shills are adjusting the narrative.


A “study” was done admitting the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but pronouncing them to be “rare.” See this.


Next, Bloomberg Misinformation attributed the deaths and damaged health to Covid, not to the “vaccine.” Here is Jason Gale spinning the facts away from the “vaccine” to Covid itself:


“I’ve not seen any data or research in peer-reviewed journals proving that immunizations caused a quarter of a million excess cardiovascular disease deaths in the US. Only the opposite — that they saved millions of lives.”


This is an amazing statement considering that the evidence is so overwhelming that Big Pharma shills are now trying to close down or discredit the vaccine adverse effects reporting system: see this.


Harvard University, which has turned out to be another lie factory, has been forced to drop its “vaccine” mandate, but continues to “strongly recommend” that faculty and students “stay up-to-date” by taking the boosters. See this.


Harvard has followed up by firing one of the rare medical scientists who got the story right from the beginning. Dr. Martin Kulldorff explains:


“I am no longer a professor of medicine at Harvard. The Harvard motto is Veritas, Latin for truth. But, as I discovered, truth can get you fired.”


In American universities today, telling the truth, along with using the wrong pronouns, are about the only things that can get you fired. As long as you lie in the interests of donors you are safe.


As I have noted, there are no public or private institutions that we can trust, least of all scientists and universities receiving grants from Big Pharma and medical regulatory agencies such as the FDA, NIH, CDC, WHO, which essentially are revolving doors with Big Pharma. Dr. Fauci at NIH actually was a co-owner of patents with Big Pharma. University research across the board is contaminated, because it is financed by the military/security complex, Big Pharma, corporations, and foundations with agendas. The way to be successful in American universities today is to serve these agendas. Harvard hides behind its motto–“Truth”–but as Dr. Kulldorff reports truth is what gets you fired. Money has as thoroughly corrupted scholarship as it has the character of the American people.


Today the focus of research and investors is artificial intelligence, which is technology devised for controlling the thoughts and behavior of humans. Enserfment, not liberation, is the agenda of artificial intelligence. We are being herded into a world in which controlled explanations will become our reality.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 12:55 p.m. No.20562830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2836 >>2837 >>2840 >>2938 >>2993 >>3101 >>3184 >>3283 >>3396

Report: Gaza Seaport Was Netanyahu's Idea


The Biden administration's plan to build a seaport off the coast of Gaza to deliver aid was reportedly a ploy Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came up with five months ago to replace the UNRA and take pressure off Israel for starving the people of Gaza.


From The Jerusalem Post, "Diplomatic source to 'Post': Gaza maritime route was Netanyahu's idea - exclusive":

The plan for a maritime route to Gaza via Cyprus to provide humanitarian assistance for Palestinians was initiated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in collaboration with US President Joe Biden, a senior diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday night.


"Netanyahu took the initiative to establish maritime humanitarian aid for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, in collaboration with the Biden administration,” the source stated.


[…] This source, close to the Prime Minister, insinuated that Biden was simply implementing a plan by Netanyahu, not actually initiating anything new.

Israel Hayom shared more details of the ploy in Hebrew:

The political official explained that through the opening of the cruise line, Israel hopes to achieve several goals: the first, the replacement of UNRA by another organization that will be responsible for the distribution of food.


The second is the denial of the governmental symbol of Hamas as having the power to feed the residents of the Gaza Strip and the building of consciousness that other parties will take care of the food and ensure its continued flow. "The more Gaza is flooded with more food, the more Hamas will lose its grip," said the political source.


A third reason is the reduction of international pressure on Israel as the one that supposedly withholds food from the residents of Gaza, and even "starves them", as claimed in the world. A fourth reason is the demonstration of the complexity of transferring the supplies to Gaza to the Americans who are responsible for the project. And the last reason is to take the burden off Israel as the one responsible for bringing humanitarian supplies into Gaza.


The political official emphasized that although the introduction of aid to Gaza outrages the public, it is necessary for the continuation of international credit for the operational action in Gaza. He also stated that Israel will assign the project the minimum forces necessary to operate it so as not to harm the war effort.

This story could be what it purports to be but it's also possible this is propaganda meant for domestic consumption in Israel as the public there thinks the Gaza genocide is not going far enough.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.20562840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2841 >>2938 >>2993 >>3101 >>3184 >>3283 >>3396



Gaza Seaport Aimed at 'Sending Palestinian Refugees to Europe,' Middle East Expert Says


The "hidden objective" behind the planned US seaport in Gaza is to facilitate the mass migration of Palestinian refugees to Europe, according to a Jordanian military and strategic affairs expert.


From Anadolu Agency, "US port plans in Gaza have 'hidden objectives': Expert":

Since the outbreak of the war on Gaza on Oct. 7, 2023, US President Joe Biden and his administration have continued to demonstrate unwavering support for Israel, leading some critics to view Washington as a key player in the conflict.


However, a recent statement by Biden on Friday introduced a surprising development as he announced plans to direct the US military on an "emergency mission to establish a port in the Gaza Strip" to get humanitarian aid to the Palestinian enclave.


But observers see another aspect to the floating port, linked to encouraging voluntary Palestinian migration to Europe and eliminating the role of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, essentially placing Israel in control of all Gaza crossings and ending any Palestinian sovereignty over them.


'Hidden objectives'


Hisham Khreisat, a Jordanian military and strategic affairs expert, told Anadolu that "the floating port off the shores of Gaza is a humanitarian facade hiding voluntary migration to Europe."


"This military tactical port will receive Israeli approval because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been seeking this idea since the beginning of the war, aiming for the voluntary displacement of Gazans and their flee to Europe," he added.


He considered the idea of ​​establishing the port "not new," pointing out that it is "an old subject raised 10 years ago."


"But Avigdor Lieberman (leader of the far-right 'Israel Our Home' party) failed the idea when he was the defense minister at the time, and Minister of Transportation Israel Katz then," he added.


The expert continued: "Katz re-proposed the idea again, reaching an agreement from Cyprus and Greece."

This lines up with the leaked plan from Israel's Intelligence Ministry which revealed the goal of their war with Gaza is to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population and send the refugees to Europe and Canada.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 1:07 p.m. No.20562869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2951 >>2993 >>3184 >>3283 >>3396

Bombs, guns, treasure: What Israel wants, the US gives


Tel Aviv's exceptional status in American weapons policy shields it from scrutiny over alleged human rights abuses


Close watchers of Israel’s war in Gaza have faced a question in recent months: If the U.S. is rushing weapons to Israel, then why hasn’t the public heard of any arms sales besides two relatively small transfers late last year?


The Washington Post delivered an answer last week. Reporter John Hudson revealed that the Biden administration has approved over 100 smaller weapons packages for Israel since Oct. 7 that fell under the $25 million threshold for formally notifying Congress — and thus the public — about the transfers.


In total, these mini sales could add up to more than $1 billion worth of U.S. military aid.


The decision to deliver U.S. aid in smaller packages is far from unusual. The U.S. government has done so in the past for practical and nefarious purposes alike; only about 2% of weapons transfers occur above the threshold to notify Congress, according to former officials.


But what is abnormal is the fact that many of those weapons were likely pre-positioned on Israeli territory before the war. Unlike other countries, Israel has a stockpile of American weapons on its soil to which it has privileged access.


When a U.S.-made bomb slams into Gaza, there’s a real chance that it started the day in an American facility, managed by American soldiers and governed by American law.


“It’s clear that it’s been a major source of arms for Israel,” said Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned in protest of U.S. support for Israel’s war. Unfortunately, Paul added, “it’s an opaque process, so it’s hard to say exactly what weapons they’re getting” from the stockpile.


This cache of arms is just a small piece of the puzzle. Taken as a whole, U.S. efforts to shield Israel from human rights restrictions and guarantee its access to continued military aid go further than for any other country, according to experts and former senior U.S. officials.


These advantages include modified human rights vetting, special access to U.S. weapons, and a veto on American arms sales to Israel’s neighbors. Up to this point, the State Department hasn’t carried out a formal assessment of Israel’s compliance with the law in its Gaza war.


Experts claim these arms transfer cutouts have continued or, in some areas, been expanded since Israel launched its campaign in Gaza, which has left over 31,000 Palestinians dead and much of the strip’s population in famine or famine-like conditions. Even last month, as war crime accusations mounted, the U.S. reportedly gave Israel at least 1,000 precision-guided munitions and artillery shells.


“The bottom line is that either you have human rights standards and legal standards or you don't,” Paul said. When U.S. officials fail to hold Israel accountable for alleged abuses, “it not only creates an exception for Israel, but it also undermines your diplomacy with other countries,” he told Responsible Statecraft/ The New Arab.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 1:09 p.m. No.20562878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2993 >>3184 >>3283 >>3396

Donors to Dem senator's legal defense linked to ex-terror group


Sen. Robert Menendez is fighting charges of illegal ties to foreign governments with help from people associated with the MEK, a controversial Iranian exile group.


Sen. Robert Mendendez (D-N.J.) is fighting charges that he accepted money in exchange for assisting foreign governments. That legal defense is being paid in part by donors with links to a former terrorist organization, a sign of the senator’s need for fast cash.


In September, federal prosecutors hit Menendez and his wife with a raft of bribery charges and, more recently, obstruction of justice. (Menendez and his wife pleaded not guilty to the charges.) With a trial scheduled for May, Menendez stands to rack up staggering legal fees. His legal defense fund, according to public disclosures, had already spent $373,223 as of the end of January.


Much of the cash in the fund — he has raised over $400,000 — comes from sources one might anticipate. New Jersey and New York donors with various business and political interests in his home state, including the real estate firm led by Jared Kushner’s family, have given the fund money. There are, however, many lesser-known donors. One is Ahmad Moeinimanesh, an electronic engineer from Northern California. Another is Hossein Afshari, also from California.


At first blush, these smaller contributions to Menendez Legal Defense Fund might appear to come from a smattering of individual donors. An analysis of the donor rolls by Responsible Statecraft and The Intercept, however, shows that about 15 percent of the people who gave to Menendez — including Moeinimanesh and Afshari — are linked to an Iranian exile group called the Mojahedin e-Khalq, or MEK.


Menendez and the MEK have a relationship going back a decade. Shortly after the group was removed from a State Department list of “foreign terror organizations,” Menendez advocated for the MEK following an attack on its members by the Iraqi government.


Menendez’s elevation of the group as a viable alternative to the Islamic Republic continued since then. The senator met with its leader, Maryam Rajavi, last May and heaped praise on the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a so-called political wing indistinguishable from the MEK, at a 2022 Capitol Hill event organized by the Organization of Iranian American Communities, a group allied with the MEK.


“Let me start off by thanking the Organization of Iranian Communities for putting together today’s event on Capitol Hill,” said Menendez. “I’m thrilled to see so many Iranian Americans from across the country, and I’d like to thank and recognize the National Council of Resistance of Iran for their commitment to elevating your voices, the voices of Iranians inside of Iran and constantly advocating for the freedom of the Iranian people.”


Moeinimanesh, the chair of OIAC’s California chapter, who contributed $2,500, was one of a dozen Iranian Americans with links to the MEK or its affiliates that gave to Menendez’s fund. (Neither Moeinimanesh nor OIAC responded to a request for comment.) Afshari gave $1,000. “Giving money to people I think are nice is not illegal,” Afshari told Responsible Statecraft and The Intercept, of his contributions to Menendez’s legal fund. “He is a man with principle and integrity and I don't believe all of the negative things some media put out.”


In total, MEK-affiliated individuals made up approximately 5 percent of the total funds raised, over $20,000, by the end of January. (Seven other donors, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the OIAC, and Menendez’s office did not respond to requests for comment.)


Responsible Statecraft and The Intercept established links between the MEK and most of these donors by cross-referencing their names with signatories on OIAC and National Council of Resistance of Iran letters and affiliations. Court records linked Afshari to the MEK.


Menendez and the MEK

Menendez’s perch atop the Senate Foreign Relations Committee made him one of the most influential Democrats on foreign policy. He was an attractive friend for Egypt, one of the two foreign governments now accused of bribing him for political favors. The dramatic federal indictment claimed cash, gold, and expensive gifts from Egypt were linked to a weapons sale and the release of a hold on $300 million in aid to Cairo. An updated indictment in January alleged that Menendez also accepted Formula One tickets and other gifts from Qatar in exchange for favors.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.20562928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2993 >>3184 >>3283 >>3396

==Former Queensland radio host found guilty of historical sexual offences against girl

Man in suit outside court ==


Peter Lang, who was a prominent radio host on the Sunshine Coast, has been found guilty of charges including carnal knowledge of a girl under 16.


A former Queensland radio host who was prominent on the Sunshine Coast during the 1980s has been found guilty of historic sex offences against a child.


Peter Lang, 65, was a well-known radio personality at 4SS, now Mix FM, in the late 1980s when the offences were alleged to have occurred.


Jurors in the Maroochydore District Court trial retired just before 1pm on Tuesday and took one day to return their verdict.


Lang was found guilty of three counts of carnal knowledge of a girl under 16 and two counts of indecent treatment of a girl under 16, all in relation to one victim.


The jury was dismissed in relation to the remaining four counts, that included rape, due to the jury being deadlocked.


Lang was also found not guilty of four counts of carnal knowledge of a girl under 16 and three counts of indecent treatment of a girl under 16.


He had pleaded not guilty to all 22 charges, including rape and indecent treatment of a child under 14.


The verdict comes after six charges relating to a second complainant were dismissed on Friday and one amended.


The court heard Lang was in his late 20s and the two girls were underage teenagers at the time of the alleged offences.


During his final directions to the jury, District Court Judge Glen Cash said the vital element in their deliberation should be about the beliefs Lang had regarding the alleged victims' ages at the time.


In her final summary on Tuesday, Crown prosecutor Rebecca Marks told the jury the alleged victims were honest and credible witnesses.


Ms Marks said it was understandable that the women had difficulties with their memories on some occasions.


"We're taking about events in the past," Ms Marks said.


Ms Marks on Monday said Lang abused his celebrity status and his age to satisfy his sexual interests in two underage girls.


Arguments over age

While giving evidence on Monday, Lang was asked by the prosecution why he didn't confront one of the alleged victims about her age when it was brought up during a conversation that was secretly recorded by the police in 2021.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 2:53 p.m. No.20563194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3207 >>3283 >>3396

New RNC Sues Dirty MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Elections Director and ERIC Chair Jonathan Brater: At least 53 MI Counties Have MORE ACTIVE REGISTERED VOTERS Than Citizens Over 18 Yrs Old


Under the leadership of free and fair elections advocates Michael Whatley and Lara Trump, the new and improved RNC has replaced the do-nothing-about election fraud RNC previously led by Ronna Romney-McDaniel.


Whatley and Trump were elected in Houston last week to replace Romney-McDaniel, whose lackluster performance as RNC Chair had many members of the Republican Party calling for her to be replaced.


Immediately after the vote, Whatley shared that election integrity will be a top priority, saying the party’s goal is to “ensure that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat.” Lara Trump, the wife of Donald J. Trump’s youngest child, Eric Trump, also expressed her commitment to election security in a recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, where she claimed massive resources would go toward protecting the vote.


It’s been rumored that Romney-McDaniel is planning to run on the RINO ticket for governor of Michigan in 2026, where, coincidentally, the new RNC will file its first election integrity lawsuit. The RNC filed the lawsuit, representing 30 million registered Republicans in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories, in the US District Court in Western Michigan. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit include Michigan resident Jordan Jorritsma, who is currently running for a seat on the Ottawa County Commission as a Republican and Republican Legislative Aide Emerson Silvernail.


While several states have dropped ERIC, the Electronic Registration Infomation Center formerly led by Democrat activist David Becker, the state of MI continues to pay ERIC, which is now chaired by Michigan’s Director of Elections Jonathan Brater, who was handpicked for the position by Jocelyn Benson, to “clean” its voter rolls. So far, ERIC has [intentionally?] failed miserably at that task, leaving all-volunteer groups like Check My Vote to find fake addresses, fake voters, dead voters, and voters who no longer live in the state and fighting to get them removed from the voter rolls.


The lawsuit states that MI SOS Benson and BOE Director Brater/ERIC chair have failed to meet the requirements outlined in section 8 of the NRVA, or National Voter Registration Act, which requires the states to maintain clean and accurate voter registration records.


Of the 83 counties in Michigan, the lawsuit claims at least 53 have more active registered voters than adult citizens over 18, and 23 have registrations exceeding 90% of adult citizens over 18. The lawsuit states, “That number of voters is impossibly high.”


Comparing the registered active voter count to the 2022 Census data reveals that these 53 counties have active voter registration rates at or above 100 percent of their citizen voting-age populations.


The 53 MI counties with registration rates at or above 100% of the adult population include:


Alcona (112%), Allegan (104%), Alpena (101%), Antrim (111%), Arenac (104%), Barry (102%), Benzie (108%), Berrien (102%), Calhoun (101%), Cass (101%), Charlevoix (105%), Cheboygan (104%), Crawford (110%), Delta (104%),

Dickinson (100%), Emmet (104%), Genesee (104%), Gladwin (103%), Gogebic (101%), Grand Traverse (101%), Huron (100%), Iosco (104%), Iron (106%), Kalkaska (115%), Kent (100%), Keweenaw (114%), Lapeer (102%), Leelanau (108%), Livingston (102%), Mackinac (114%), Macomb (101%), Mason (104%), Menominee (101%), Missaukee (106%), Monroe (100%), Montmorency (110%), Muskegon (101%), Newaygo (103%), Oakland (101%), Oceana (105%), Ogemaw (106%), Ontonagon (101%), Osceola (101%), Oscoda (110%), Otsego (111%), Presque Isle (107%), Roscommon (110%), Schoolcraft (107%), Shiawassee (102%), St. Clair (102%), Van Buren (104%), Wayne (101%), and Wexford (105%).


An additional 23 counties have active voter registration rates exceeding 90 percent of adult citizens over 18. That figure far eclipses the national and statewide voter registration rate in recent elections,” the lawsuit reads.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 3:05 p.m. No.20563246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3283 >>3396

More kids killed in Gaza than in four years of global conflicts – UN


Israel’s war on Hamas is “a war on children,” UNRWA head Philippe Lazzarini has declared


More children have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza since October than have died in every global conflict between 2019 and 2022 combined, according to figures released by the UN on Tuesday.


Over 12,300 children have been reported killed in the Palestinian enclave since that time, UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) chief Philippe Lazzarini said, citing data from the UN and Gaza’s health ministry. Children account for almost half of the total death toll, which now exceeds 31,000.


Between the start of 2019 and the end of 2022, 12,193 children were killed in all armed conflicts globally, according to the figures.


“This war is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and their future,” Lazzarini said, calling for an immediate ceasefire “for the sake of children in Gaza.”


Israel declared war on Hamas on October 7, after the Palestinian militants killed more than 1,100 people and took around 250 hostages in a surprise attack on the Jewish state. Israel responded with a relentless air campaign, before sending troops and armor into Gaza later that month. Within a month, more civilians had died there than in almost two years of fighting in Ukraine, according to UN data from both conflicts.


Over the weekend, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he would defy pressure from the US and invade the city of Rafah in the south of the enclave, where more than a million Gazans displaced from the north have been sheltering. The UN has warned that an Israeli assault on Rafah “could lead to a slaughter” of civilians.


Despite the mounting death toll, Netanyahu claimed on Tuesday that the Israeli military has “taken measures to minimize civilian casualties that no other army has taken in history.”


An Israeli airstrike hit a UNRWA aid distribution center in Rafah later on Tuesday night, the agency said on Wednesday. With a quarter of Gaza’s residents at risk of famine and the territory’s health ministry reporting the deaths of at least 20 children from starvation, Lazzarini’s agency has repeatedly called on Israel to allow more food and humanitarian supplies to enter the besieged enclave.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 3:08 p.m. No.20563254   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The “covid experiment” was a masterclass in the use of authority to coerce, intimidate, and compel the ignorant masses into conforming to made up rules and regulations regarding lockdowns, masks, social distancing, the use of safe and effective medicines like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and ultimately forcing an unsafe, untested, dangerous gene altering toxin to be injected into their bodies.

Anonymous ID: 3f8cf2 March 13, 2024, 3:17 p.m. No.20563287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3353 >>3396

Former California Rideshare Driver Charged with Federal Hate Crime for Antisemitic Attack on Passenger