Imagine the first thing you do when you enter a new country is to become a drug addict. Fuck.
Meth / Crack. This guy at the Cafe smoked up in the bathroom and is talking to himself out loud in front of everyone in Spanish right next to me. Everyone just looks like they've acclimated to the insanity.
More reason to vet people. Like the first thing you should do is give a quick drug test right off the bat. A lot of people crash and burn in the city so they just use drugs I guess. Can get high all day for $10; Meth is really cheap and long-lasting.
I can guarantee you most of these people are absolutely useless off or on drugs.
Yes I actually hate everyone so this is a very complicated issue.
The amount of patience required is unfathomable indeed.
I said I hate everyone, not everything. Campfires are pretty damn cool for example.
Someone has to make the cool shit that I enjoy so might as well.