She's an autistic bullshitter! She only hints at "easily available" access to the WBAN and says there are commercially available devices to access the WBAN but never indicates where they are available FAKE & GHEY! I followed the IEEE papers and also found other information on WBAN but everywhere it states that its all only theoretical It goes back into the early 2000's and also states that the concept was made in the 1990's and the concept was mooted during the mid 1980s. Still there is no actual, working information to use to access this info. I would LOVE to access that and also see my own presence online but!no, it can;t be done!
If anyone has true info rather than self inflating vapourware, glorifying their own parents, uncles and other family members with easily replicated "military ID", I'd really like to see links to it. Just not this, self agrandising, FAGGETTE!