Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 6:57 p.m. No.20564208   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Haiti - Biden Surrenders Embassy

Afghanistan- Biden Surrenders Embassy

Sudan- Biden Surrenders Embassy

Belarus- Biden Surrenders Embassy

Ukraine- Biden Surrenders Embassy

Niger- Biden Surrenders Embassy

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 7:59 p.m. No.20564488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4496 >>4498 >>4501


Oh. Look. CIA deployed people to DC on J6…🤯


Every single day that goes by the fake insurrection narrative crumbles & even more troubling information emerges about J6.


Again, Republicans where are you? You should be speaking up in unison about this.

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 8:02 p.m. No.20564503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4528 >>4653 >>4887 >>5037 >>5102

Judicial Watch forced the release of the records through a lawsuit that was filed after DOJ failed to respond to a FOIA request for records regarding shots being fired inside the Capitol & requests for ATF Special Response Team assistance on 1/6 (2/3).

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 8:25 p.m. No.20564611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4616

DILDO to save America in World War IV


You heard me right, American defense is built on the DILDO,

Defensive International depLoyment Drone Ottacks

Dupe Secretary of Defense Katheen Hicks



What better place than a National Defense Industrial Association confab to announce a new program in which “multiple thousands” of drones will be unleashed across land, sea, and sky “to counter the PLA’s [People’s Liberation Army’s] mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit and harder to beat.”


It rings a bit like science fiction but to a roomful of defense executives, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


It is woke novel in unique beyond unique in how the DARPA and Pentagon woke elite are telling China years before they plan on making war on the girls of Peking, how they are going to make war.


Near as I can recall, the Marines got rid of everything and are going to go hand to hand combat in Asia as that is what the geniuses have figured out. To follow that, this skirty from the Pentagon has told the Industrial Silicon Complex that America will fight the Chinese military with drones. It will be massive waves of drones attacking massive waves of Chinamen. It will be by land, by sea and by sky… used to be air, but apparently now the term is Skyborne assaults.


We even know the "metric" of this in Admiral Aquilino,is going to destroy 1000 targets in 24 hours.


If you sense the Lame Cherry sarcasm about to be unleashed, meet me on the other side.


Especially when Adm. John Aquilino, head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, joined in and told the NDIA “Emerging Technologies for Defense” audience that there could be as many as 1,000 drones deployed in 24 hours

— “Here’s a metric for me: 1,000 targets for 24 hours.”

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 8:26 p.m. No.20564616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4622



Here is a statistic about drone warfare.



Ukraine has been credited with advancing its drone technology more rapidly, its still losing in the ballpark of 10,000 UAVs a month.

Here is a map of Ukraine, which is that little thing on the left outlined in RED and China is that big thing outlined on the right in RED.


Ukraine's land mass is about 1/10th that of China. Ukraine is at home in sending out drones. Focus on those points, because Ukraine is losing 10,000 drones a month. In a Pentagon war with China, the United States would lose 100,000 drones a month.


Now expand this is drones are fragile things. They have problems flying long distances. China is a big country, and China is not just going to allow the Pentagon to set up shop and launch drones into China, whether on land or sea and get this point in, it is a A VERY LONG WAY for a drone to fly to just get to China. It is even further for a drone to fly into China.


While this skirt is scaling things, as she explained below, she is also thinking that America will have lots of wars with China for the next 30 years for some reason, as if the Chinese are in need of some kind of playmates to occupy their time.


Meet you on the other side.


At which point Hicks signaled that might be just the baseline. “We’ll also aim to replicate and inculcate how we will achieve that goal, so we can scale whatever’s relevant in the future again and again and again. Easier said than done? You bet. But we’re going to do it,” she said.




Here are some facts. China has a base population of 1.3 billion people. America does not have enough bullets to kill that many Chinese. That is why nuclear or weapons of mass destruction figure into Chinese war. When America does not have enough artillery rounds to deal with Russia in a little spit spot war in Ukraine, not enough bullets to kill Chinese, it factors out that America will never be able to manufacture enough drones to kill all the Chinese necessary to win a war.


Drones are a sophisticated weapon of technology. They require electricity. They require radio communications. The require operators at designated bases. They require launch pads. China is just not going to sit there and wait for the Pentagon to launch waves of drones. China will destroy satellite links, manufacturing bases, electricity and drone control points. This is war, not what is going on in Ukraine in Russia leaving the lights on in Kiev and all the other Ukrainian cities.

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 8:28 p.m. No.20564622   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is why China has infected all the command and control structures in the United States' global military grid, and the cities associated with them. This skirty can get wet over drones, but everything from a storm to Chinese sabotage is going to destroy a drone war.


Use this example to understand. Back in the day, the doomsday weapon was the javelin spear. You could throw it long distance and you could use it to stab people further away than swords. A remarkable thing about humans is, they learned quickly enough that if you got yourself a metal shield, that those drone javelins were worthless, and those people who had shields then had short swords which hacked the javelin carriers to death.


Here is a Lame Cherry quote:



Drones do not destroy things. Drones only damage things, which then can be repaired.


-Lame Cherry


When the United States relies upon drones, it will be faced with defeat, absolute defeat. China will either be destroyed by weapons of mass destruction, killing the population, or China will prevail in a long-range American war of technological attrition. It will require as in World War II, an occupational force of 3 to 6 million to defeat China. The United States and its allies have none of that, with their fat woke pedophiles, who think they can win wars behind computer screens.



As Ukraine has proven, the Pentagon does not have any strategic planners. They have relied on projections, and American weapons have failed as much as their tactics. Ukraine is the drone queen, and yet it is losing the war, to a Russian mesh of projections of power, centered on infantry. Russia is playing cat paw with Kiev. Russia has not even fought this war on the offensive. And in that Ukraine is, dying at 400,000 dead and now almost 200,000 dead drones.


China is too vast of an expanse, too many mountains, ocean and deserts, and too many people. Ukraine can not defeat a Russia with just 250,000 troops. China has 3 million troops under arms and can call upon 200 troops, lose that 200 million, and call up another 200 million in reserve.


Any person with any sense would see the Pentagon as derelict of duty. Any corporate salivating over billion-dollar drone contracts, should comprehend when their drones fuck up and they will, that China will be invading their asses and Silicon Valleys with real invasion.

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.20564630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4632

US military promises 'hellscape' of drone swarming in future China war


Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

Aug 29, 2023


What better place than a National Defense Industrial Association confab to announce a new program in which "multiple thousands" of drones will be unleashed across land, sea, and sky "to counter the PLA’s [People’s Liberation Army’s] mass with a mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit and harder to beat.”


It rings a bit like science fiction but to a roomful of defense executives, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks' words on Monday must have been music to their ears. A lot of dollar signs. Especially when Adm. John Aquilino, head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, joined in and told the NDIA "Emerging Technologies for Defense" audience that there could be as many as 1,000 drones deployed in 24 hours

— “Here’s a metric for me: 1,000 targets for 24 hours.”


At which point Hicks signaled that might be just the baseline. "We’ll also aim to replicate and inculcate how we will achieve that goal, so we can scale whatever’s relevant in the future again and again and again. Easier said than done? You bet. But we’re going to do it,” she said.


Welcome to the second era of the drone war, the first being during the U.S. Global War on Terror, where drones like the MQ Reaper were primarily used for surveillance and manhunting. It was billed as an "evolution" in the targeted conflict in which the government promised a "cleaner" war with fewer civilian deaths and American boots on the ground. Today's era is about "meshing" both surveillance and lethal action with a pronouncement of drones, all shapes, and sizes, and not just the big expensive ones. This is being tested and improved every day with tens of thousands of drones on both sides in Ukraine and now the Pentagon is promising the next level of that for its coming war with China.


"While both combatants entered the war with drones, there has been a Cambrian explosion in missions and types of drones over the past 18 months," gushed retired Australian army major general Mick Ryan in an article on Monday. "Just as the Cambrian period saw the most intense period of evolution in history, so too has the Ukraine War spawned a rapid evolution in these machines."


Ryan says the swarming of drones across the battlespace has resulted in "an extraordinary increase in the visibility of events on and beyond the battlefield." This allows for "the speed of decision and action" and "the precision of engagements on the battlefield, as well as against strategic targets." He also notes while Ukraine has been credited with advancing its drone technology more rapidly, it is still losing in the ballpark of 10,000 UAVs a month.


The U.S. not only wants to replicate this (the project is called "Replicator") for a future war, but it welcomes the challenge of ramping up an industrial base that is already struggling to fulfill orders to send promised U.S. weapons to Ukraine for its current war.


To succeed in this, Hicks said the initiative has the full backing of the Secretary of the Defense and Defense Innovation Unit. It will require working with “non-traditional and traditional defense companies,” and that Congress “has the opportunity to be a key enabler in getting capabilities to the warfighter at speed and scale.” Read: give us more money and less red tape.

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 8:31 p.m. No.20564632   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Getting Congress on board won't be difficult. First, point out the amazing opportunities of drone swarms, just like major general Ryan did in his op-ed. Next, explain, like Hicks does, that China is gaining on us. It's most important asset is "mass" she said. “More ships. More missiles. More people.” The DoD must snap into action to challenge that.


“We must ensure the PRC [People’s Republic of China] leadership wakes up every day, considers the risks of aggression, and concludes, ‘today is not the day’ – and not just today, but every day, between now and 2027, now and 2035, now and 2049, and beyond,” she said.


Then, ensure that their friends in the defense industry will be happy as most of the top five contractors have been seeding pieces of every major project in their districts for years, not to mention the $33 million in campaign contributions (in the 2022 cycle alone).


It's a win-win for everyone, at least in the military industrial complex, especially when you can talk like Adm. Aquilino, straight out of a Tom Clancy novel. Well, sort of: "Operational concepts that we are working through are going to help amplify our advantages in this theater…there’s a term, hellscape, that we use.”


I'm sure the term is being used by a lot of folks right now, aside from the uniformed high hats at the JW Marriott in Washington D.C., starting of course, with people on the ground in southern and eastern Ukraine. I guess it differs in meaning based on who is actually creating the "hellscape," and how.

Anonymous ID: 862114 March 13, 2024, 8:34 p.m. No.20564643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4680

Isn’t it ironic how the guy worried about his kids growing up in a “racial jungle” ended up with a selfie-taking sex-crazed, …., crackhead son?