>The replacement? “build, educate, train, and inspire.”
Should've gone with "Aspire"
Build, Educate, Train, Aspire…BETA
>The replacement? “build, educate, train, and inspire.”
Should've gone with "Aspire"
Build, Educate, Train, Aspire…BETA
Maybe God delegates all his dirty work to Satan so he doesn't have to take responsibility?
Wait, "You can delegate Authority, but not Responsibility," rings familiar.
Game Theory is Broken
Beards = Barbarians
Beardless = Asians/Native Americans
Compulsory shaving mandates are Unlawful Discrimination based on race
Beardless != Professional
Also, voluntary shaving is cultural appropriation
If you can't grow a beard, it's ok to celebrate your originality without forcing everyone else to look like you, so that you can "blend-in".
In ancient times, governments funded the construction of Religious Temples and allowed them to operate
In more recent times, government managed society THROUGH the hands of the Church.
Attendance was not Optional, and Compliance with Church Mandates (Papal Bulls) was mandatory throughout The Realm of Christendom.
Church Records = Public Records (Birth, Marriages, Divorces, Deaths, Inheritances)
Some people fled all that and built a Society with BOTH Religious Freedom, AND government non-intervention in "religious" matters. The Government doesn't build churches, nor mandate attendance, nor dictate what they can or cannot say.
The Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights didn't exist during all these "Old Bible Stories" about how to Survive in a Religious Dictatorship run by a Selfish Mafia Boss.
That's why the Old Bible Stories are useless and inapplicable in the Modern US market economy.
"The Bible" is not The Source of Authority for any law or anyone acting under color of law in the US. Bible ways are Slave ways.
We The People are the Source of Authority in the US.
"–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
Covers on indoors?
Doesn't seem like they are "Armed and On-Duty"
Some rules just don't apply to some people?
>military is the only way
Carrier of the "Slave-trade" gene in Humanity
Warrior-Slave Caste
They began as Eunuchs and are returning to their Eunuch Heritage
Cutting your dick off is an ancient military tradition for the most high trusted diplomatic warriors.
Maybe for Uniformity, all the branches could next mandate their enlisted members dye their hair to match their uniforms?
Green for Army, and obviously Blue-Hair for the AF…
Imagine the huge pool of candidates that would attract?
>The Ravens will starve
What do "The Ravens" traditionally dine upon?
The flesh of the dead hung from Tower Bridge?
Who has the authority to kill people and feed them to their pet birds but God?
>Did the military spray grandpa with bio agents and kill em?
"It was cheaper than paying his retirement, which saves the Taxpayers money.
Plus We got all that excellent quality Military $cientific Research data for the shots that keep you healthy, dear. "
"Lowest Bidder Contracting"
Military members have no right to question vaccines, because Military Readiness (spreadsheet data) is more important that "personal healthcare decisions".
As long as the WHO mandates vaccines for Overseas travel, and the US applies those mandates, the injections of toxins, carcinogens, and experimental molecules will continue unquestioned.
"So, where are you going? Let's look on the Department of States website for the law that tells up what injections you have to get before you can go to that place."
Major infectious diseases
degree of risk: very high (2023)
food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever
vectorborne diseases: malaria, dengue fever, and sexually transmitted diseases: hepatitis B (2024)
water contact diseases: schistosomiasis
animal contact diseases: rabies
aerosolized dust or soil contact diseases: Lassa fever
"Looks like you'll need Hep A, Hep B, and Typhoid before you can be cleared to go…"
No Vaccine? = Not READY to travel
Injecting people with bioweapons just before they visit foreign lands…
Seems sus.
Can't change your genetic origins either.
Which works in the advantage of the Controllers when targeting branches of Humanity for Extinction.
Are all of their weapons contained within their borders or international territories?
Some 23,300 nuclear weapons are stored at 111 locations around the world