Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.20566025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6039 >>6131

Laura Loomer On House And Senate Members Against Banning Tik Tok: "They Are All Whores"Lee and Paul are bought and paid for Jeffrey Yatz with major donations because he supports Tik Tok. Both of them came out opposed to banning Tik Tok



Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.20566039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She’s right congress/senate don’t care about “freedom of speech” if they did, they would have investigated Big Tech ie google, youtube, FB, Twitter etc. On violations of free speech. They never lifted a hand

Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 7:48 a.m. No.20566149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6156 >>6220 >>6553 >>6649 >>6687

==Harnwell: “How can the Italian government get away with such lawlessness as an EU member state?” They sadistically and illegally prevented and evicted him when he had leased for 19 years Trisuli monastery. The monastery had been neglected by Italy for many years and was being refurbished and updated by ben and Steve, as a historical site. The monastery was to be the location of Gladiator School in Italy. (It seems like the EU are all leftists and hate conservative)




“In comments to The European Conservative, Harnwell expressed his frustration with ‘the total lack of due process I experienced Italy,’ underlining that ‘to this day I have never been convicted of any wrongdoing — I’ve never even been given so much as a parking ticket’ before adding, ‘How can a government get away with such lawless behaviour as an EU member state?’

Harnwell then addressed those who evicted him ‘Despite your underhand efforts, we won — you lost. Steve Bannon’s ‘Academy for the Judeo-Christian West’ lives to fight another day. Suck on that, Italian communists! MAGA triumphans’.”


Detailed article to follow

Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.20566156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6220 >>6329 >>6553 >>6649 >>6687


Steve Bannon’s ‘Gladiator School’ Wins Massive Vindication From Italian Courts


Trisulti Abbey might reopen its doors as an academy for aspiring populist-nationalist leaders after courts dismissed all criminal charges against its conservative leaseholder.

A former Tory parliamentary assistant and close associate of former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon has overcome substantial legal challenges in Italy and might now be able to finally reopen the doors of a right-wing training academy in a mountainous 13th-century monastery southeast of Rome.


Benjamin Harnwell, a former Conservative chief of staff in the EU Parliament and director of the Catholic Dignitatis Humanae Institute, who is also a contributing editor to The European Conservative, was completely exonerated of all charges of fraudulent participation in a public tender by Rome’s Central Criminal Court last week, arising from his role in winning the 19-year lease for the former Carthusian abbey in 2017.


Aiming to create a hatching ground for future economic-nationalist politicians, and financially sponsored by Bannon himself and ideologically sympathetic donors, Harnwell had been embroiled in a four-year-long legal dispute over the historic monastery. According to Bannon, they spent millions fighting the charges.


The Italian Ministry of Culture evicted Harnwell in July 2021, claiming—without any evidence—that the lease had been fraudulently obtained. Harnwell expressed his bafflement at how Italy’s socialist then-minister for culture, Dario Franceschini,was able to evict him without ever suing him first.


Harnwell had always forcefully maintained his innocence, and now an Italian judge has apparently totally vindicated the influential, if somewhat controversial, commentator who boasts over 150,000 followers on the MAGA-centric social media platform GETTR.


In comments to The European Conservative, Harnwell expressed his frustration with “the total lack of due process I experienced Italy,” underlining that “to this day I have never been convicted of any wrongdoing—I’ve never even been given so much as a parking ticket in Italy” before adding, “How can a government get away with such lawless behaviour as an EU member state?”


Harnwell then addressed those who evicted him “Despite your most sinister underhand efforts, we won—you lost. Steve Bannon’s ‘Academy for the Judeo-Christian West’ lives to fight another day. So suck on that, Italian communists! MAGA triumphans.”


In the works since 2018 and large enough to cater to 250-300 students, the so-called ‘gladiator school for culture warriors’ at Trisulti was backed by Bannon as well as Italian Christian Democrat politician, and Pope John Paul II confidant, Rocco Buttiglione and was speculated to become an institutional rallying point for both conservatives and Traditional Catholics against the Francis Papacy.


The monastery is rumoured to absorb within its operations Bannon’s already pre-existing ‘The Movement’ designed to promote nationalist and sovereigntist projects in Europe, with the former Breitbart executive chairman coming to renewed prominence in conservative circles ahead of a potential second Trump administration.

Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 8:07 a.m. No.20566230   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is so important to understand how the CCP must destroy culture even in our country and the world. They have tried to shut down dance company in over 100 countries around the world






Video of recent performance

Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 8:25 a.m. No.20566322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20564204 Don Lemon speaks out after Elon Musk cancelled his show on XPN


Lemon chooses one segment that he thought the most damning to air on CNN with Elon. Hey Lemonhead:there is no such thing as hate speechyou are still the stooge of the left leaning destruction of our constitution, by CNN and others. It’s a lot different with Tucker and Cuomo, at least Cuomo knew J6 was a set up against MAGA, although he’s not more enlightened than that. Once CNN always CNN


I thought CNN fired Lemon?


PS I’m not a supporter of Musk, but this CNN interview reveals the constant pushing of destruction of our country, by this channel and their idiot tools

Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.20566413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6434 >>6553 >>6649 >>6659 >>6687

Boebert: "The General Voting Population Don't Even Get A Say In Who's Gonna Represent Them" Buck is resigning on March 22, (what is the significance for evil on that day.) It’s a gift to the Uniparty. They are blocking Boebert from being elected in the 4th district.


Republicans in Congress have to understand the plans the left are using and to defeat them. Even though the RINOs hate Trump, that is just an excuse to get in a perpetual democrats rulers in Congress.



Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.20566434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Congress rules and laws are so fucked up, it’s all about the money the can steal while in congress. The House and Senate needs to be fixed.Term limits is the only way to clean this up

Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 8:53 a.m. No.20566469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6553 >>6649 >>6687

Peter Mcilvenna On The State Of British Press: "It's A Full On Psyop". The Tories are collapsing. Why us the UK so focused on the royal family. A distraction constantlyThe UK is no longer a global leader. Its a crisis in UK and what it means to be British. (Boris destroyed it, NWO leader and thief)



Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 9 a.m. No.20566495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6553 >>6559 >>6649 >>6675 >>6687

Adam Morgan To The Uniparty: "Stop Picking Winners And Losers In The Private Sector". Congressman says “don’t listen the people at home”South Carolina needs to stop doing crony capitalization.


These congressmen have distain for the citizens back home and think they are stupid, and they say “don’t listen to them” and only Listen to the Commerce Dept.


Vote Adam Morgan



Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.20566559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6649 >>6687


Look up Timmons (corrupt congressman). The Uniparty really hates Adam Morgan., endorsed by Trump


Timmons is badly comptomised. (PS: why does nothing happens to compromised House and Senate leaders)


Last July, Timmons took to the airwaves and vehemently denied Rallis’ allegations during an interview on 106.3 WORD’s The Tara Show. He didn’t stop there, though, going so far as to characterize this media outlet as a “gutter gossip blog in Columbia.”


Despite those characterizations, multiple sources confirmed with our “gossip” blog thatTimmons is — or at least was — the focus of a preliminary inquiry by the U.S. House of Representative’s ethics committee. The original focus of that inquiry? Allegations that Timmons may misused taxpayer dollars in pursuing his extramarital affair with Dhier.

As previously noted, though, the inquiry appears to have lost momentum after “Republicans” gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives back in January.

Timmons ethical problems may not be over, though, as he clearly attempted to manipulate his mistress’s divorce proceedings earlier this year by threatening Rallis and telling one witness in the case about creative “ways to manage an unreasonable subpoena.”

Such meddling would raise eyebrows no matter who was involved, butTimmons is a former prosecutor and practicing attorney — meaning he is an officer of the very court whose integrity he attempted to undermine.



To Morgan’s credit, he evidently recognizes that Timmons is his own worst enemy. During Thursday’s announcement, he refrained from so much as mentioning any part of the incumbent’s ignominies — instead focused on his own voting record.


“Morgan’s candidacy against Timmons is shaping up to be one of the highest profile intra-party battles of the 2024 Republican primary season— an election cycle in which multiple conservatives are expected to challenge centrist GOP officials”.


Southern States are as corrupt as lefty/dem states, they are just more polite and hide their corruption better. (Thats what I’ve learned living in GA for 34 years)

Anonymous ID: 098c8f March 14, 2024, 9:27 a.m. No.20566595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6630 >>6649 >>6687

Peter Navarro Explains The Dangers Of Tik Tok And It's Influence. Modi shut down more than 40 social media companies when China tried to invade themCongress needs to rewrite this law so our gov cannot control American social media.

