Anonymous ID: 561c00 March 14, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.20566431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A warning for anyone looking for a job; another way AI is screwing us over. I've been trudging the job market for the past few months, and am seeing over 500 applications for every job I apply for. Reading the same from other people, across many occupations. Whether the interest is coming from tons of locals out of work, or foreigners looking for a way into the country, or desperate people spamming every job, doesn't matter. What's happened is the hiring teams are overwhelmed, and have stopped looking at every resume. Instead, they are using AI to sort through the resume dumps, looking for key words specific to their industry. Anyone who came into the work force before SEO won't understand why they're getting overlooked, even if they have amazing qualifications. The AI will only look for what it's told, and unqualified but in the know people will rise to the top of the sorting pile. These same unqualifieds get the jobs, and lower the average competency of the workforce. The people who should be hired get to sit back and watch their industry crash and burn, while they eat beans from a can.