Anonymous ID: 476260 March 14, 2024, 6:32 p.m. No.20568926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beings our President Truthed a slew of fauxNOnews clips today, am reminded of questions which can't be avoided -

Can’t imagine the blackmail dirt which must exist on hanniFraud. Just as with shows such as “the view”, don’t care that this crap’s on the air a fraction as much as the REACH this sewage has - Radio, TOO — and even worse, that it is labeled as and considered “news”. THAT’S the problem with the hannities, levins & the other so-called “conservative” warmongering, NWO fake entertainers. Wasn’t hanniFraud largely influential in “ending” the dixie chicks?

Sep 29,2023"I look at Taylor Swift—if I picked my music based on their politics, I'd have five choices…. "She's a great businesswoman, seems like a lovely girl, extraordinarily nice to her fans," the host continued. "And I kind of hate people, you know, hating on her."

"I know that Travis is woke, and he's Bud Light, and he's for the COVID shot," Hannity said. "You know what, if you want to listen and get advice from a football player, I don't care. Or a pop star. I don't care where you get your advice. We live in a free country (NO WE DO NOT!), they are entitled to their views (well good for THEM!), as much as I might disagree. But I can also recognize talent and they're both enormously talented… I wish them the best, I hope it works for them."

Undeterred, Swift has continued to weigh in on politics. Several months before the 2020 election, Swift accused then-President Trump of "stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism" throughout his term in office. "We will vote you out in November," she added in her post…. "If I get bad press for saying, 'Don't put a homophobic racist in office,' then I get bad press for that."

No “bad press”, tay because you have ALL of *mainstream NWO/Communist pravda's fake entertainers in your AND PFIZER’S corner.