i have absolutely zero idea, i repeat zero idea, what could possibly lead to this truly devastating, heartbreaking, and soul crushing epidemic
it really is a great mystery of the ages
i have absolutely zero idea, i repeat zero idea, what could possibly lead to this truly devastating, heartbreaking, and soul crushing epidemic
it really is a great mystery of the ages
nope, i don't believe you
the u.s government and military are filled to the brim with the utmost loyal patriots just like 99% of the ic and don't solely rely on taxpayer funding to support their entire careers for their entire lives because they are absolutely selfless and protect this nation from all foreign invaders as well as domestic enemies who may or may not hold positions in congress and the house
>mfw rainretard is thirsting for that (you) and i won't give it to him
easily explainable
they simply had to work with them to develop it before china did so that they could be in front of them in the biological war that way china's attack wouldn't have been as devastating as it was planned to be
because china is the enemy along with the media and not a single soul or entity otherwise
what are you, some kind of conspiracy looney?