Anonymous ID: 97f80e March 15, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.20573361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The only “Technology” needed is a proof positive way to discriminate between Human vs. Inhuman. Everything else can work itself out just fine and human creativity (unmolested by shitbags) is more than adequate to solve any other issue. The inhumans will sooner try to blow the entire place up if they can.

Anonymous ID: 97f80e March 15, 2024, 3:11 p.m. No.20573475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Until i meet some of these “extraterrestrials/demons” on a bright sunny sober day… (not denying the probability, just can’t “believe” without first hand experience)… until then, i take your story as Metaphor.


If (you) are in possession of some kind of “technology” or teachable skill craft that ‘sees’ past all the lies and into humans for their true heart and soul… then maybe (YOU) should get on it and SKIP the offwhite/grayish intermediaries that are being ‘counterproductive’.


There are hundreds of thousands, probably millions, of decent people who likewise are unable to assist because we have been ‘locked out’ by the system held by the Counterproductives (selfish, cowardly, greedy.. whatever).


(You) should go straight to individuals that score high on your ‘moral wisdom and authority of useful knowledge’ measurements. Ok?


Don’t be all sneaky cloak-n-dagger shit… just walk up and offer to shake hands first. Lots of us haven’t given up on the idea of genuine Contact and honest peaceful exchange. But the Counterproductives have made lots of us unwilling to openly offer to interact. Ok?