I'm thrilled that the UK is honoring GEOTUS in such an amazing way. Floating him over Parliament! It doesn't get any better than this!
(pic related)
I'm thrilled that the UK is honoring GEOTUS in such an amazing way. Floating him over Parliament! It doesn't get any better than this!
(pic related)
Speaking of brought to heel..the JIDF controlled TD forum at deddit…unbanned everyone and asked those banned to explain why they posted what they posted. Their daily post count is dismal compared to what it used to be, super dismal…so they unbanned. I signed in had a look at my ban message (posting about Golan Heights and greater Israel plan, but only in a factual way..so I replied to the message…that I posted what I did because it was the truth. Got a message back…nope not unbanned.
I just did it to test my theory of (((WHO))) is controlling that place and why their post count dropped so much. Verified my theory.
Thank you to BO and all who keep this place free and open, no matter what we're discussing, and for resisting attempts by (((THEM))) to infiltrate and control us.
>theres some Scots here as well.
Oh, sorry lads, all those years of trying to gain your freedom, all the slaughter…some of which my ancestors fled when Grandpa lost his head post Jacobean..kerffluffle..they won….but someday…maybe you guys can be free too. Beautiful country…fun sturdy people!
no brah, it's an HONOR! Truly…floating GEOTUS ABOVE PARLIAMENT? WHO KNEW!
we had some great fun at half last night…just literally LMAO at the plans…JIDF kept pruning the threads, it was hysterical. I go to DailyFail to read the comments on the balloon article today and couldn't help myself…had to register and thank the brits for honoring GEOTUS by flying him over Parliament and honoring the native son of a legal Scottish immigrant who is now the most powerful man in the world. The comments on that article are priceless.
>Freedom? What rock have you been living under? From where I stand the Brits have lost freedom after freedom after freedom. Now, make sure you don't say anything that will upset anyone, because I strongly suspect there's prison time in it for you. The only reason you're getting away with insulting a major world leader is because those who run you are letting you. Easy now, don't want you cutting yourself on that butter knife..better yet, hand that over and get to sporking that food. You people cannot even be trusted with knives, what makes you think your opinion about our president is anything but hysterical?
>LOL we don't need to make memes of London's mayor. He's the rightfully elected mayor of a middle eastern city. We literally don't care. You did this to yourselves. Americans are just laughing at you now. But thank you for showing us how not to end up. Murdered in prison for leaving a bacon sandwich in the wrong place? Risking offending nearly everyone for nearly everything? No thank you. When we freed ourselves from the oppressive rule of the King, our Founding Fathers wrote a very impressive document. We've elected a president who, unlike the Indonesian one, loves this country and is going to help us regain all that was lost during the darkest years. Read our Constitution and weep for yourselves, as for Americans, we are free.
The truth is its own defense…say, pretty great trips yourself there! We must be rocking on the truth!
Not so bad trips yourself! I wanted to be sure about my theory…they merely confirmed. TD used to be fun, spirited and cheery, now it's an echo chamber and cheerleading for (((THEM))). Sad. But that's OK…here we are FREE!
>is politically correct, but this isn't…
I don't suppose there's any way to shoop mohammad on there…KEK!