That was me you responded to, still maintaining that you elect to look at this from a pessimist POV and you're entitled to that opinion of course, you just can't expect us or Q for that matter, to drop what we're doing to assuage your concerns. I can see what's getting done and I can see it's getting done "by the book", which isn't just a slow process, it's a downright fucking boring one but necessary nevertheless.
He's not wrong.
Gaining traction takes time.
CB? No worries man. AFLB is right, the index worked after a bit but be wary because that was the first thing I went to and it didn't work right away. Everybody just kinda went into panic-mode, not expecting it. Was a good wake-up call though.
I can just see where you're coming from is all. The scientific method is also a "by the book" idea and can get boorish like the legal process Q is going through to punish those people doing wrong, some have faith, some have facts, all should show an appropriate level of discernment to be sure.
Pretty sure I gave you that pic lmao
Kek, always saw you using that hand toss-up emoji. Use it well anon.
Had a real shitty spell with a broken catalog, 24+ ebakes simultaneously, CM and BO fixed. No worries.
Junior baker, you still here?
How we looking on notables? Need help or you good?
AM story? The catalog issue?
It's all good man, most other anons were hyperventilating over it too.