MSM Casting another Rage Spell Hoax
& there be some that'll believe it too
MSM Casting another Rage Spell Hoax
& there be some that'll believe it too
The only people that want a Bloodbath are the Dems that supported 10 months of Burning, Looting & Murdering
Saying it was Peaceful & Beautiful summer of love
I suspect they're jumping on this because they have a fake MAGA riot planed and this fits perfectly into the narrative they want to project
It must be the Devils little time on Earth
Everything God forbids is being promoted as the cool new thing
Despair Fagging
Now That's Desperate
Yes Normies
Everything's Inverted
it's a Total Protonic Reversal
gotta keep the narrative alive somehow
No one said a word when Bush & Obama did the same thing
5 out of 4 stroke victims took the vax
that's mRNA for yah
People are dying all around me
But as you know, it's not the thing that they made everyone take
mRNA is bad for for living things
that's why they could never get past Phase 1
Everything died
Call it whatever you want
I'd say it's enough to warrant Investigation