All I hear when I hear Gaza this, Gaza that.
They train from the age of 5yo to carry an AK.
A slight different indoctrination than American kindergartens where fetish sexual orientations prevail by sligh of hand.
For 50 yrs. the Democrats worked for the disadvantaged, the down trodden, and all poc.
And where are the disadvantaged, the down trodden, and all poc today?
And you still vote for Demoncrats?
Then you must be evil too.
Only criminals would vote for criminals.
Or clearly you have a mental illness.
New study out says the woke are more likely to hate their life and suffer from deep depression.
No thanks to what they dish out in commie rotten scrool districts.
So you decided to tread on the children and woman.
What did you think would happen?
How do you know something is bad?
The Demoncrats endorse it.