I am 100% certain that the freakazoid Engeron continues to draw breath ONLY because GEOTUS wants it that way.
Engine seriously needs some valve rings work!
NO! We need to be a lot less concerned with humanity and start tending our own homes and families.
Not all humanoid bipeds are human. We need to stop pretending they are.
Maybe the Inquisition needs brought back to start purging the don leftists!
And the only mistake the colonizers made was allowing ANY of the lesser species black and brown hominids to exist after we defeated them. We didn't finish the job. And look at the dirty heathens now!
Jesus whipped the Jew moneychangers and drove them from the temple!
He'd probably take .50cal Street Sweepers to the dirty nigger hordes terrorizing humanity today.
Tell me you're a suck ass commie punk without telling me you're a suck ass commie punk.
If you think they will kill you last for being a suck ass commie punk, they despise you. At least they fear, if not respect, me and mine.
Asians, Hispanics and white trash can all be compelled to rise above their most base natures.
Niggers cannot rise above their animal instincts because they are not humans. Perhaps tossing them back into the primordial ooze for another 50,000 years could evolve them into humans.
Or not.