Anonymous ID: 2331b6 July 6, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.2059768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9857 >>9905 >>9952


Education system and money system r not the only things the Zionist (Jewish Marxists) have turned upside down. They also did a number on the proper 1st audience perspective needed when reading the Bible. Thru their funding and printing of the Scofield Reference Bible, they have deceived many Christians into believing that the US had to support the "state of Israel" so that Christ could "come again."


Needs autist's attn: b/c the ppl sitting in the churches in America can't seem to take off the Roths[child] colored glasses.


Part I :


Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews


What if the Rothschilds conspired to twist and misapply Biblical prophecy to run a psyop on the Christians in American to cause them to believe that the U.S. had to support the creation of the "state of Israel"?


What if the Rothschilds wanted to control the oil and resources of the Middle East through the colonization of the ME through the creation of the "state of Israel"?


What if the Rothschilds used their Zionist agents in America to spread propaganda for both the creation of the central bank in 1913 and again for the support of the repopulation of the "state of Israel" in 1917 - 1948?


What if the Rothschilds and their Zionist agents convinced the people of the U.S. that Israel had to be re-established so that Christ could "come again"?


What if all of this was just a lie to gain control of the entire world?


So, most American Christians now espouse a twisted perspective of the Bible and have been convinced that America had to send money and arms to the "state of Israel" so that Christ could come again and save the Jews. They created Christian Zionism - an oxymoron.


Christian Zionism Is A Monumental Lie and A Legal Racket


Through the printing of the Scofield Reference Bible out of the Oxford University Press in 1909 ( the NWO printing press) Christians around the world were taught to read the Bible with the wrong perspective.


Words like "soon" and "shortly" were lifted out of the first century A.D. when they were spoken and written, and somehow turned to mean "soon" and "shortly" when the reader reads them 2,000 years later!


When reading the Bible, first audience perspective is required.


Red pill ? #1:

As Christ was manifested on earth in the first century A.D., and as Christ was manifested "in these last days" (1 Pet. 1:20), then when were the "last days"?


Red pill ? #2:

As Christ spoke directly to the people during His ministry on earth in the 1st century A.D., and as Christ spoke to the people "in these last days" (Heb. 1:1-2), then when were the "last days"?


A = B = C - appeared in the 1st cent. AD = appeared in the last days = last days were in the 1st cent. A.D. The last days were the last days of the old Mosaic animal sacrificial covenant. They were never speaking of the end of the entire physical world.


More in Part 2 next.

Anonymous ID: 2331b6 July 6, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.2059782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9905 >>9920


Part 2 - Zionist/Marxist twisted vs of Bible


Red pill ? #3:

As all those in Christ are counted for the seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:26-29), and as all those of the seed of Abraham are Israel, then who is Israel? Really?


The definition changed after Christ became the sacrifice for the entire world. The seed of Abraham is the circumcision of the heart (Rom. 2:25-29). The true Jew is one that is a Jew of the heart / inwardly .


Therefore, as those in Christ are counted for the seed of Abraham, the seed line is no longer one of the blood, but is now of the line of faith, through Abraham's faith that was counted to him for righteousness.


THOSE IN CHRIST ARE ISRAEL! No matter if our blood line is of Chinese, Russian, Britain, American, Australian, Canadian, Brazilian, Japanese, etc. All of those souls in Christ are the Israel of God, the chosen of God.


God's Definitions- Part I: The House of Israel


Ironically, as the genealogical records were destroyed with the Herodian temple in A.D. 70, the "Jews" are now using DNA tests as a method to "prove" their blood line trace to Abraham. But, DNA testing of many of the population finds traces of the "Jew" blood line. Can that be because the blood line was melded into all of the nations / populations through the dispersions from the Assyrian / Babylonian captivities, and the scattering after Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed?


Israel In All Of Us…


Why, then are we being taught that we have to support the "state of Israel" in the ME? Why is the U.S. sending millions of dollars every day to support the "state of Israel"? Why do the US Congressmen have to swear an oath to support the "state of Israel" and put Israel's interests before those of the U.S?


Why are Christians told they have to support those who deny Christ, and refuse to recognize Him as the Messiah? Doesn't giving aid to the antiChrists make us complicit in denying God and His Son?


Why are we being taught from almost every pulpit in America that "we" are in the last days? Why are we being taught that Christ's "second coming" has not yet happened? Why are we being taught that Revelation is about the end of the physical world?


Maybe because the Rothschilds and their Zionist agents hid behind a twisted Biblical perspective to make the world believe that their genocidal depopulation methods were what God wanted? So, maybe we wouldn't question when entire populations were killed off?


The Rothschilds and their Zionist agents don't believe in the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but they declare to the world that they are doing His work to help Him bring about Armageddon.


"Soon" meant soon, near, at hand, shortly when Christ said those words almost 2,000 years ago. His Kingdom is already here, and has already been established in the hearts of those who are in Christ (Luke 17:20-21).






It's Not The End of The World - Parts I thru X


Frequent Mistakes - Part VI: The End of The World, or ???


P.S. We can know that the Bible is the word of God. Many internal and external proofs of the inspiration of the Bible are found at .

3 Good Reasons To Believe The Bible Is From God