Fuck you Pig
Build bunkers better
>they have a consistent code for these things
>>20593697 you poor brain washed faggot
This is exactly what I mean by brainwashed. Placing Pig in the sky like a demi god or something. Lost souls.
>name calling
oh so it's fair play to post a video on how to suck your own dick as an insult
but when I outright call you a faggot
that is somehow crossing a line
and I get called for name calling?
your logic is covered in your boyfriend's shit
>>20584122 past bread
Willie Peter
Just remember that (you) are a special kind of stupid for not tolerating namefag/famefag Mr. Pig and his dumbing down the board with his shit stain passive/aggressive drivel. And his turning board norms on their head over the last four years. If you speak up and push back against his subversive idiocy you be will be attacked by Pig and droves of his supporters. They will say that you are stupid, a shill, anti-Trump, anti-America, a fed, a newfag, etc. ad nauseum. What they will not do is succeed in making a reasoned argument as to the benefit of Mr. Pig's postings. They can't because that benefit does not exist. He's got them brainwashed. This is what four years of very subtle subversion gets you. A big fucking mess. The board does not need namefags or cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are a slide. Namefags are harmful to the state of being anon. And being anon is what allowed this board to have the success that it has enjoyed in the past. For you faggots who are trying to turn this place into another version of facebook all I can offer is a big hearty fuck you. Today this board is basically coasting and sliding while it's engine idles on the fumes of it's former glory. There is zero doubt in this anon's mind that Mr. Pig is a very big part of that downward trend. Sadly, many anons will read and reject these statements. Because one really has to be paying attention to catch Mr. Pig slipping the blade in the board's back. And seemingly most anons just don't, or can't, focus that closely on what is happening on a consistent basis. At least not enough to catch it happening. And there is certainly going to be an extreme amount of personal displeasure in admitting that you have been had. But been had you have. Don't just look, but also see. Don't just hear, but also listen. Discernement requires that these be your practices. Anon is happy to report that some anons do see it. Others spotted it first. But, after being alerted, anon started watching more closely. And sure enough, after a while, anon began to see it too. Pig should be roundly rejected by freedom loving patriots because he mocks you and Trump. This anon, is going to dig, meme, un-meme Mr. Pig, and pray. Dismiss what I am saying if you must. But if you salute Pig or Pig salutes you then you better duck. Because sniper fire will be inbound. Do not ever say that anon did not warn you. Pig mocks you. And now this anon mocks you too as I say America Winning. Prove it. And show some fucking intelligence and common sense. Reject Pig and the board wins. And by the board winning then yes, America can win as well.
you don't read english very well, do you?
you parse
you ignore the main point
subtle subversion
go ahead and ignore it some more
I'll wait
>Q clues
Like this one?
>overt enough?
Anon likes it. But honestly it's a little ambiguous. Knowing how these side by sides actually work though. Yes anon likes it. Others will take it the opposite way though. Because they will see what they want to see in it.
That's why anon told the other anon to go back to sleep