Gaetz: Mr. Parnas, how much time did you spend in prison?
Parnas: Four months.
Gaetz: But you were indicted for crimes that could result in you spending fifty years in prison, right?
Parnas: Right. They were false crimes. The judge saw through.
Gartz: You went to trial and were convicted, right? And the crime was you were trying to acquire marijuana licenses, and you took money from a Russian oligarch, and you tried to use that money to go give political donations, and do what you had to do to acquire marijuana licenses, is that about right? Sounds like everyone here today, the only one working for a Russian oligarch was you…you were really worried about our democracy, and you were here to warn us, but you were working for a Russian oligarch, wanting to get marijuana licenses, but then you didn't even do it. The fraud you committed against the Russian oligarch was instead; you spent it on yourself…instead of spending fifty years in prison, you got four moths.
[Sounds like Parnas was spared fifty years in prison if he agreed to make false statements about President Trump]