Anonymous ID: 3f456e July 6, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.2060158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0170 >>0767

>>2059961 lb


I'm of two minds about lizards

I mean the idea seems ridiculous

Lizard people!?


Everyone knows we are a hybrid of pigs and chimps

That's what the scientifc evidence says


However, maybe the reality is behind this somehow

Not blatant and visible

Remember that comet

That wiped out almost all the dinosaurs

Except for a few tiny species that eat insects

And could survive for years of reduced sunlight

By eating the bugs that eat rotting meat


We know that some dinosaurs had reasonably usable arms

And lived in social groups

There were species like Velociraptor

What if one or more species were intelligent

And had souls?


And then suddenly, there were no more bodies to reincarnate in

So they hung around in limbo and waited

While God evolved the 4 legged 5 toed dinosaurs remaining

Into mammals

And those mammals diversified

And then bingo,

A horny board found a frightened female chimp

Raped her and impregnated her

And we are the result

Children of rape, all of us

Have sympathy for the women and children who find themselves

In a similar position,

For they will inherit the earth

That is coming


Now those reptilian souls can incarnate again

But they have learned bad habits from dino days

They are used to being predators

Ripping flesh from the bodies of their prey

They have a peculiarly reptilian outlook on life

Perhaps they have become

Our dumb cousins

Kind of stuck in their bad behavior

And unable to advance and evolve like newer souls

Whose only experience in bodies

Has been in these two legged omnivorous mammal ones

The dino souls grew up almost abandoned by their parents

They had no titties to suck

They are just wierd

And our spidey sense

Can feel their reptilian nature

Even though, physically, they are no different from us

Anonymous ID: 3f456e July 6, 2018, 4:08 p.m. No.2060488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0502



You do not understand satanists


They know the secret

To reincarnating in a new body


This allows them to continue their existence


Of course the aging body has to die

But in order to reincarnate properly

They must control the date, time and method of death


If she is a matriarch

And I'm not sure of this because her mother was

And she only died a few years ago

And may have passed the role to a younger woman

But if she is a matriarch

Then the successor will kill her by a blow to the head

With a wand

Which is not the flimsy stick they show in the movies

But a stout oaken staff roughly one inch thick

With a egg shaped crystal ball

Roughly the size of a woman's fist

Attached to the end with brass wires wrapped around the staff and egg

I have seen this wand

Belonging to the Windsor family


At the moment of death

The successor kisses the dying matriarch

And breathes in her last exhale

Sucking the breath from her lungs

And receiving her power.


Non priestly bloodline members

Are also murdered by the relatives

At the right time and place

As part of a ceremony

They are certainly deceiving us about her death

But not about the fact that she will die

They just won't let us know where

She really died

Or exactly when

It may happen a few days after death is announced

When the family supposedly gathers for mourning

But she will not run away and hide


Of course, there is a possibility

That this particular satanist family

Is reforming itself

And making sure that the younger bloodline members

Are not vampires

Do not participate in the satanic rituals

And morph into a non-monarchical family

The presence of people like Angelina Jolie

Suggests that satanic power and rank

Might be being transferred to another satanic bloodline

To free the Windsor descendants

From the accursed Illuminati

Who have failed them

Anonymous ID: 3f456e July 6, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.2060565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0694



More importantly

Justin Trudeau is a Sinclair

Through his mother

This is the clan

That built Roslin castle

And that gave us the first Grand Master

Of the Grand Lodge of Scotland


So if you thing Fidel Castro might belong to this bloodline

Then it is foolish to look for a father son relationship

They don't do it that way

Relationships are more obscured

Often there are foster children placed with a trusted cousin

Since they are incestuous

And try not to breed outside the bloodline unless it is necessary

All the 1st and 2nd cousins will have some degree of



Also research Clan MacLeod

The one that Donald Trump's mother comes from

Note that they were not very friendly with the Sinclairs

Even hundreds of years ago

Anonymous ID: 3f456e July 6, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.2060726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0744



Don't be ridiculous

Q is a LARP

Why would the Mossad get involved in a LARP

Especially one that gets us all digging and learning

About the evil that lurks among the Jews

Among Mossad

And the





Anonymous ID: 3f456e July 6, 2018, 4:27 p.m. No.2060759   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The thing is

Yes, I am a comedian

But all that stuff about poppies and cocks


It's true

And worse

Follow the cocks to the Skull and Bones club

And voila!

You find there is opium there too!


We let all these freaky fucks run EVERYTHING


Why did we do that?